Hi Amy,
The answer to this question is: use the 'effects' option for this. Select the object you want to be 'framed', choose effects, mark 'shadow' (unmark all other options). Then choose 'both' as 'style' and pick your desired color for the border/frame. The 'offset' defines the thickness of the border/frame (1% is one pixel, 2% is also one pixel...), set 'softness' to zero and 'opacity' to whatever you like. Doing it this way also solves the mouse over problem mentioned by James Little... The boxed/framed object can be made double for a mouse-over. If you want to apply this to text, just fill a graphic object with some text ('button text')!
You can do this with the text INSIDE text objects too, but first you have to mark 'allow advanced text' for the text object. VSD transforms the text object into a graphic object this way, allowing all graphic possibilities of VSD to be applied to the text inside text objects. BTW, changing a text object into a graphic object by 'allowing advanced text' solves another problem too: text sometimes overflowing or not formatting right.... And now you can use ALL fonts you have installed on your PC!
But use 'allowing advanced text' only when needed: search engines (Google and the Coffeecup search software) can't 'spider' your text no more, 'cause it IS no text anymore...
John van Hulst