How do I create drop-down menus in VSD?
Russ Roland
Virginia Beach, VA
Drop-down menus - Page 1
Hello Russ,
Visual Site Designer does not have a built in function to generate drop down menus, but you may use a custom menu design application such as the Flash Menu Builder, CSS menu Builder, or the DHTML Menu Builder to generate the project, then insert it into Visual Site Designer using the html or add flash tool.
Visual Site Designer does not have a built in function to generate drop down menus, but you may use a custom menu design application such as the Flash Menu Builder, CSS menu Builder, or the DHTML Menu Builder to generate the project, then insert it into Visual Site Designer using the html or add flash tool.
I am Orlando Perez, you killed my father - prepare to die...

CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
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