adding icon to url address bar

User 317680 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

does anyone know how to add an icon in the url address bar?

User 133269 Photo

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2,900 posts

Hi Sharon

The wee pic like the cup up there next to the address?

That's called a "favicon" ;)

If you use CoffeeCup HTML Editor you can open your page and insert the following code inside your <head></head> tags...
<link rel="Shortcut icon" href="">

where is the address of your website...
Then you need to make the .ico file and upload it to the root directory of your website (where your index.html page lives)...

Last time i had to come up with one quickly i made it via this website...
nice and easy to follow :)

I'm not sure how to make one in VSD sorry - I'm a strictly code pixie ;)

Oh - and once you do make one you'll need to empty your cache and stuff from your browser and mess around a bit to get the pesky little thing to show - if you think your code is cool but it doesn't show up for you - come back here and post a link to your site and ask other people to check it for you - sometimes it's hard to convince your browser to see it once it's gotten used to there not being one :(
Have fun
~ Fe Pixie ~
User 378560 Photo

Trial User
1 post

I've tried all of your steps and still do not have the icon I created appearing in the address box. My url is
User 12512 Photo

228 posts

jhaboyd wrote:
I've tried all of your steps and still do not have the icon I created appearing in the address box. My url is

Your site code shows logo2.ico. It needs to be favicon.ico.
User 252706 Photo

Registered User
11 posts

This website mkes your favicon for you free
User 148447 Photo

27 posts

With Internet Explorer 7 and most other browsers you don't even need the link tag - just put in a file named favicon.ico in the root folder (ie the same as the index file and it should show up. However if you don't want to use that filename simply substitute this in the link tag, but make sure that the file exists.

However there are actually two icons one is for the address bar and the other is for the favourites/bookmarks

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />
<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />

In the code above you can see I have made these the same icon - but they don't have to be.

PS this code is for XHTML for the eagle eyed but it does work for HTML.
User 493324 Photo

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1 post


I am a "web dummy" which is why I use VSD 6.0 and why, when I decided to "spruce up" my site ( with a favicon, I came to this forum. The post that I found most helpful was Alissa's referal to The program is completely free and it's simple and clean (doesn't leave a bunch of unwanted files on your computer) and it's easy to use.

Just follow the onscreen instructions to make your favicons (it will acutally make two) and save them to your computer. Then copy the two "favicon" files into the root directory for your website using the following sequence of commands in VSD 6.0:

Settings / Add Files / Browse (to find your favicons) / select the two favicon this point these two files should show up on the left side of the split screen...on the right side of the split screen, double click on "Root" / Click on "Add All" and close the Add Files window.

Now the only thing left to do is add the html code to your home page by going to the "Edit" tab and then selecting "Edit Header". Once you are there, paste the following html code:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="animated_favicon1.gif">

Upload your website and it should be there. (As noted in previous posts, you may have to delete your browsing history and favorites entry, but in my case it loaded without having to do any of that.)

Good Luck.

User 1866139 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Many thanks Tommy. Just used your method and it worked a treat ! !

Thanks again for your advice.

It's better to burn out than to fade away.

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