It would be nice to at least have one email addy for each S Drive domain.
Member of the lumpen proletariat. Another cog in the wheel. Possibly a major pain in the ass soon.
I think we all agree, BUT CC say they wont be doing email at all
best advice is buy another extension of your domain name, so if your using or .com on s drive buy a .info or similar and use that for your email so it matches in nicely.
best advice is buy another extension of your domain name, so if your using or .com on s drive buy a .info or similar and use that for your email so it matches in nicely.
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
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Viv @ Jewelcraft wrote:
... BUT CC say they wont be doing email at all ...
... BUT CC say they wont be doing email at all ...
I thought they said it was something they wanted to add down the road (?)
Living the dream, stocking the cream

nope not what I heard Phil, what I've seen is that they will not be addressing any email additions to the S-Drive setup. They said google handles it quite nicely with the ability to get emails for your domains now (haven't figured that one out yet myself lol).
Maybe someone already has or will give us an article or little tutorial on how to set that up. If someone did already I missed it for sure.
Maybe someone already has or will give us an article or little tutorial on how to set that up. If someone did already I missed it for sure.

Ok Jo Ann... Thanks, I've been "sleepwalking" through the last 2 months or so, so I must have misunderstood.
As far as Google handling site e-mail... I'm in the same boat as you, so I'd love to see a tutorial as well. I know some don't care if their/your e-mail address is, but I don't think it's widely accepted (yet) as professional. I feel less skeptical about sending a message to than
As far as Google handling site e-mail... I'm in the same boat as you, so I'd love to see a tutorial as well. I know some don't care if their/your e-mail address is, but I don't think it's widely accepted (yet) as professional. I feel less skeptical about sending a message to than

Living the dream, stocking the cream


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I just had to deal with this for a client who wanted to keep her original email address after her site was moved to an SDrive account.
She had "". After we got the "" name on the SDrive site, I called the hosting company where she had all her various domain names and email names registered to see what we needed to do to still receive email through the original "janedoe@...".
Turns out, she had already added all her emails to her main Yahoo account, so no matter where the '' site is hosted, she can still get email sent to '' through Yahoo. Her original hosting company also has email hosting plans which would allow the same set-up.
Either way, to the sender, all they see is the .com name (no or
She had "". After we got the "" name on the SDrive site, I called the hosting company where she had all her various domain names and email names registered to see what we needed to do to still receive email through the original "janedoe@...".
Turns out, she had already added all her emails to her main Yahoo account, so no matter where the '' site is hosted, she can still get email sent to '' through Yahoo. Her original hosting company also has email hosting plans which would allow the same set-up.
Either way, to the sender, all they see is the .com name (no or
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
BIG SPANNER IN WORKS :: be wary of using aliases for business emails, some clients settings can reject them, as its possible to have a setting to check if the email is being re directed or alias.
I keep plugging domainmonster for registrar, as i know they have a nice easy solution (i am sure others do same)
They give you the option to point your domain cloaked (in a frame) so that you can then still use the e mail addresses in their control panel while making your website address the same.
So if fore instance you have on S drive, and at domainmonster pointed at sdrive :: typing in .com finds your site, displays .com address in address bar and you have use of the .com email addresses (BUT NOT THE .us EMAIL ADDRESSES)
Google you can then add the .com account to your webmasters tools, and adding a file (i think a html file) to s drive gets you registered and found
I keep plugging domainmonster for registrar, as i know they have a nice easy solution (i am sure others do same)
They give you the option to point your domain cloaked (in a frame) so that you can then still use the e mail addresses in their control panel while making your website address the same.
So if fore instance you have on S drive, and at domainmonster pointed at sdrive :: typing in .com finds your site, displays .com address in address bar and you have use of the .com email addresses (BUT NOT THE .us EMAIL ADDRESSES)
Google you can then add the .com account to your webmasters tools, and adding a file (i think a html file) to s drive gets you registered and found
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
The other issue with just having your emails forwarded to a different email (that's what I'm assuming your client is doing Paintbrush?) is that replies are not able to come from the right address and will then show the Yahoo email address in the replies instead of a domain address.
If you have already got email addresses setup for your server, it's a lot easier to just install a free email client like Wikmail or Incredimail or use Microsofts Outlook, etc. and set them up in there. Much easier to keep track of and you then get the right reply email settings
If I misunderstood what you meant about it and it wasn't being "forwarded" then ... nevermind LOL
If you have already got email addresses setup for your server, it's a lot easier to just install a free email client like Wikmail or Incredimail or use Microsofts Outlook, etc. and set them up in there. Much easier to keep track of and you then get the right reply email settings

If I misunderstood what you meant about it and it wasn't being "forwarded" then ... nevermind LOL

I have my email address (same as my site below; registered with Yahoo. As long as I maintain the .com name, mail will come to me through that address, even if I move or close my site.
My client (above example) had her email address registered (along with her domain name) before she had her site.
So I don't think the mail is forwarded, as these have been the original addresses from the start.
My client (above example) had her email address registered (along with her domain name) before she had her site.
So I don't think the mail is forwarded, as these have been the original addresses from the start.
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
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