I am brand new to Shopping Cart Creator Pro and purchased it (in the eCommerce pack - along with Web form builder) because of its ease of use for a one-person busy small non-profit. Which means I can make a nice looking cart, easily add products as I need them, and do it all when I need it done, without waiting for a volunteer web geek to help me. All BIG reasons for me to go with you.
BUT, and you see it's a big but, I NEED easily accessible order detail (and I mean instantaneous, no searching, logging onto other websites..). I am dumbfounded that neither you nor Authorize.net provides this necessary option. WHY?
I've put in a complaint/request to authorize.net - but beyond that, it seems that software as slick as yours should have this option as a given. The order is up there on the screen...why can't it be sent to the shop owner? I don't need to know it cleared, I'll get a notice from Authorize.net to tell me that. (that's how my old cart worked).
I've read through the old threads on this subject and, frankly, I don't think this is something that Authorize.net should HAVE to fix. Although that would be nice. But you guys should be able to send a copy of the onscreen order when the customer clicks the button taking them to the payment gateway.
Please add this option to your list for future upgrades. And if it is available already and I'm just missing it, please excuse my ignorance as being a newbie and tell me how to enable the option.
I really hate it when you buy a product (an entire package of products, in fact), spend time setting it all up, and only then find the shortfalls. We are a struggling non-profit and we need the ease of use that is so wonderful in every other aspect of your product, but so lacking in this instance.
Thanks for listening. Hoping you have a solution for me soon.
BUT, and you see it's a big but, I NEED easily accessible order detail (and I mean instantaneous, no searching, logging onto other websites..). I am dumbfounded that neither you nor Authorize.net provides this necessary option. WHY?
I've put in a complaint/request to authorize.net - but beyond that, it seems that software as slick as yours should have this option as a given. The order is up there on the screen...why can't it be sent to the shop owner? I don't need to know it cleared, I'll get a notice from Authorize.net to tell me that. (that's how my old cart worked).
I've read through the old threads on this subject and, frankly, I don't think this is something that Authorize.net should HAVE to fix. Although that would be nice. But you guys should be able to send a copy of the onscreen order when the customer clicks the button taking them to the payment gateway.
Please add this option to your list for future upgrades. And if it is available already and I'm just missing it, please excuse my ignorance as being a newbie and tell me how to enable the option.
I really hate it when you buy a product (an entire package of products, in fact), spend time setting it all up, and only then find the shortfalls. We are a struggling non-profit and we need the ease of use that is so wonderful in every other aspect of your product, but so lacking in this instance.
Thanks for listening. Hoping you have a solution for me soon.
Hiya Patricia,
The software doesn't do any of that for any of the payment processing that I recall actually. When you use PayPal it's PayPal that sends the order information not the SCC programs. I would imagine it's the same with the rest of the payment options. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here as I haven't used the software in a while, but that's how it was when I used it with PayPal.
When an order was submitted, PayPal is where I received the order details from. I didn't get any type of emails or notices from the software at all. So with this in mind, I'm going to assume it's definitely something to do with Authorize.net and how they handle things. Maybe they have particular requirements for this feature that the software is not going to be equipped with and therefore it's unable to do it? I'm not sure what the details of the why's are, but I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with he software itself, but how Authorize.net is using it.
Check on their site and see if there's something you can do to fill in this option maybe? Talk to them and see if there's a reason why it's not able to send you that information? That's what I'd start with
The software doesn't do any of that for any of the payment processing that I recall actually. When you use PayPal it's PayPal that sends the order information not the SCC programs. I would imagine it's the same with the rest of the payment options. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here as I haven't used the software in a while, but that's how it was when I used it with PayPal.
When an order was submitted, PayPal is where I received the order details from. I didn't get any type of emails or notices from the software at all. So with this in mind, I'm going to assume it's definitely something to do with Authorize.net and how they handle things. Maybe they have particular requirements for this feature that the software is not going to be equipped with and therefore it's unable to do it? I'm not sure what the details of the why's are, but I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with he software itself, but how Authorize.net is using it.
Check on their site and see if there's something you can do to fill in this option maybe? Talk to them and see if there's a reason why it's not able to send you that information? That's what I'd start with

Google checkout, actually provides every bit of detail you could ask for and more
I now prefer it to even paypal,
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
CC are avoiding (rightly so) collecting clients (customers) details on OUR servers, and avoiding sending details over insecure connections
Big corporate companies can afford the necessary to deal with the risk involved us little shop keepers cant afford it, and i for one dont want any clients details or getting hammered when they go missing or get misappropriated
I now prefer it to even paypal,
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
CC are avoiding (rightly so) collecting clients (customers) details on OUR servers, and avoiding sending details over insecure connections
Big corporate companies can afford the necessary to deal with the risk involved us little shop keepers cant afford it, and i for one dont want any clients details or getting hammered when they go missing or get misappropriated
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
Yes, but as long as credit card information is not collected, this is no different than sending a buyers name, address, and order details via email that is not encrypted.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
Viv @ Jewelcraft wrote:
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
Where do I access these sales details? I've looked in the inventory - I see there is a reference number but I have no idea how to see the details??
Or did you mean it shows you the totals? That's just the same thing I get from Authorize.net and it doesn't cut the mustard.
Would love to know if I can actually see the detail. Do tell...
Patricia Kenyon wrote:
Where do I access these sales details? I've looked in the inventory - I see there is a reference number but I have no idea how to see the details??
Or did you mean it shows you the totals? That's just the same thing I get from Authorize.net and it doesn't cut the mustard.
Would love to know if I can actually see the detail. Do tell...
Viv @ Jewelcraft wrote:
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
Where do I access these sales details? I've looked in the inventory - I see there is a reference number but I have no idea how to see the details??
Or did you mean it shows you the totals? That's just the same thing I get from Authorize.net and it doesn't cut the mustard.
Would love to know if I can actually see the detail. Do tell...
Due toPCI compliance laws, it would be illegal for that sort of information to be stored on your server in an unencrypted manner. The full order information needs to be retrieved from the merchant directly. Only generalized information will be located in the transaction log.
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Patricia Kenyon wrote:
Where do I access these sales details? I've looked in the inventory - I see there is a reference number but I have no idea how to see the details??
Or did you mean it shows you the totals? That's just the same thing I get from Authorize.net and it doesn't cut the mustard.
Would love to know if I can actually see the detail. Do tell...
Viv @ Jewelcraft wrote:
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
Where do I access these sales details? I've looked in the inventory - I see there is a reference number but I have no idea how to see the details??
Or did you mean it shows you the totals? That's just the same thing I get from Authorize.net and it doesn't cut the mustard.
Would love to know if I can actually see the detail. Do tell...
Using Paypal, you receive an email, along with the details in your account, with the product purchased, price, address and other notes they may include.
Does authorize.net not give the same information when processing the order? That would seem odd, and I have seen others around here use authorize.net. Maybe check your account to see if there is an order with details provided.

Patricia Kenyon wrote:
Where do I access these sales details? .
Viv @ Jewelcraft wrote:
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
SCC Pro gives you a list of sales details, BUT not the purchasers details so its a little difficult to tally the two together
Where do I access these sales details? .
Only in SCCP (the pro version) just checked, basic has not got the option, unless its in a recent update, that i have not installed as i only use pro
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
1. I have SCC Pro, so I'm guessing the idea is that you have to think outside the box with this and use your inventory system to get the info you are looking for on the back end. But I'm not familiar enough with the inventory stats yet to know for sure if this will even work.
2. As far as the PCI regs go, I'm not looking to get any information from SCC Pro than the items ordered in a list. No personal information. Just something like this "Hey, an order was just sent from your cart to your payment gateway for processing and it looked like this - product A, Product B and Product C, the total of the order was X." That's it. I then would have to match that up with a receipt from Authorize.net - using the order total, and the time of the order as my clues.
Do PCI regs prevent me from having my own shopping cart tell me an order was transferred for payment and what that order entailed? Because how could my cart tell me any personal information at that point anyway, it's not there to tell. Only in the next step does that happen and I understand it is then out of my hands.
3. I'll be barking up the Authorize.net tree a bit more loudly. As they DO NOT send a copy of orders (I asked them just yesterday), they only send the merchant the total amount charged and the customer name and shipping information.
4. As an FYI - they told me that my cart software should give me the order detail... but also that I can access it on their website, by embarking on a 3 or 4 step process, and then it is not presented in a print friendly way - so I will be resorting to taking screen shots of every order... that's just dumb.
The bottom line is this: I want to make sure that you folks at CoffeeCup realize that this is an issue with Authorize.net and you. And that if you are going to say that you are Authorize.net compatible it should be with a caveat about the order detail thing. Maybe you can use your influence as a software designer to ask Authorize.net to change the way they send order information. This set up is not very user friendly on either end.
So therein lies my frustration. And I'm getting the feeling that my issue will not be solved anytime soon, but I still needed to make sure my points were clear.
And then again, maybe there is something I'm missing. I've only had my cart up and running for two days and right now am just taking year end donations. I still have a long way to go in setting up our other items, which surround a huge event we have each year. So time will tell how all that sugars out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
2. As far as the PCI regs go, I'm not looking to get any information from SCC Pro than the items ordered in a list. No personal information. Just something like this "Hey, an order was just sent from your cart to your payment gateway for processing and it looked like this - product A, Product B and Product C, the total of the order was X." That's it. I then would have to match that up with a receipt from Authorize.net - using the order total, and the time of the order as my clues.
Do PCI regs prevent me from having my own shopping cart tell me an order was transferred for payment and what that order entailed? Because how could my cart tell me any personal information at that point anyway, it's not there to tell. Only in the next step does that happen and I understand it is then out of my hands.
3. I'll be barking up the Authorize.net tree a bit more loudly. As they DO NOT send a copy of orders (I asked them just yesterday), they only send the merchant the total amount charged and the customer name and shipping information.
4. As an FYI - they told me that my cart software should give me the order detail... but also that I can access it on their website, by embarking on a 3 or 4 step process, and then it is not presented in a print friendly way - so I will be resorting to taking screen shots of every order... that's just dumb.
The bottom line is this: I want to make sure that you folks at CoffeeCup realize that this is an issue with Authorize.net and you. And that if you are going to say that you are Authorize.net compatible it should be with a caveat about the order detail thing. Maybe you can use your influence as a software designer to ask Authorize.net to change the way they send order information. This set up is not very user friendly on either end.
So therein lies my frustration. And I'm getting the feeling that my issue will not be solved anytime soon, but I still needed to make sure my points were clear.
And then again, maybe there is something I'm missing. I've only had my cart up and running for two days and right now am just taking year end donations. I still have a long way to go in setting up our other items, which surround a huge event we have each year. So time will tell how all that sugars out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Patricia Kenyon wrote:
1. I have SCC Pro,
1. I have SCC Pro,
were in scc basic thread
as you have pro follow this go to your shop icon, top of sccp
Inventory AND TICK use transaction loging ( logging )
put in a user name and password. and OK
now go to top left of page ACTIONS
View transaction log
put in the new user name and password, your sales list will be there (WHEN SOME NEW SALES APPEAR) none from before this proccess
Clicking on an item in the list will give you all the sales details individually and i think thats what your after
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
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