backgrounds - Page 1 - Post ID 221353

User 2622002 Photo

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25 posts

I want all my bg to be the same as my image bg How do I designate no color for paragraph etc?
p {
background: #0000A0;

h1 {
background: #0000A0;
color: #FFFFFF;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 18pt;
font-family: Arial;

h2 {
background: #FFFF00;
color: #000000;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 30pt;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

body {
color: #000000;
font-size: 16pt;
font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Just don't add a background color to your <p>, <h1>, etc. If you specify a color (not a background), it will be the color of the font for the paragraph or <h> tag.
In your sample above, you have white text on a blue background (h1) and black text on a yellow background (h2)....
Maybe post a link to your site so we can see what you're wanting to do? ;)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 122279 Photo

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14,576 posts

Which page element has that background image? If it is the body (would be logical), change the css for the body to include it:
body {
background-image:url('path- to-your-image.jpg');
color: #000000;
font-size: 16pt;
font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;}

If it is a small image that has to be tiled to cover the whole page, then the above code is ok, but if it is a large image that is not to be repeated, add the line:

When you have contents on top of the background image, don't specify any background colour, and your background image will show through. It is of course possible to add the line

but it is not necessary.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2622002 Photo

Registered User
25 posts

Thanks for your simple advice which I couldn't find anywhere.
I built my 75 pg site with html and and bunch of wysiwyg editors starting in 1996. I afraid I don't speak much css. I'm starting to rebuild site starting with this page to replace my homepage.
here is css
I'm having trouble with converting tables to css and word wrap.
I would like my banner logo with nav horizontal under it on every page along with footer and right side bar.
I can break these question down in separate post if you like.
Here's are other pages if you have suggestions.
User 122279 Photo

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14,576 posts

You don't have to split up any questions ;)
In order to better understand what you are aiming at, I have attached a wee mockup of how I understand it. If you want something else, then let us know, and we can guide you though the work.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2622002 Photo

Registered User
25 posts

Yes Inger thats what I want.
I just put in my old homepage text and images into the content area of new page and it displays ok whereas the CC code would not. I would like horiz nav bar
Also I would like to fill up the right side panel with products. Having trouble with css but can easily do it with html table. Is it really necessary to use css?
I will be using images and text a lot in the content area like this page
all suggestions welcome.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,576 posts

It is not forbidden to use html tables. ;) What you have to consider is, who is your audience, and what devices are they likely to view your site with. There are some limitations if they are using smartphones or tablets, html tables will tend to be too rigid, and the contents therefore too tiny. Also, if you are using html tables and other kind of html where there is a css alternative, your site will not validate It is expected that you use up-to-date code, that is also one of the criterias for Google and the other search engines in their ranking. Thirdly, html is likely to be much more code than if you use css where possible. This has to do with bandwidth, and those mobile devices are not exactly known for having too much of that.

There are more considerations to be made, e.g. if you want to have your site responsive to all kind of monitor sizes or not. Having a responsive site is also a criteria by the search engines.

If you need help, just holler! Someone here will always be able to guide you. I'm packing up for the day though, then in Europe we have night time now. I'll be checking this thread in the morning. :)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2622002 Photo

Registered User
25 posts

I surrender-I'll try to quit resisting css.

I would like the code and where to put it for about 6 images with descriptions around or to the sides in the sidebar area.
Can this be done so they will come in style.css to be on every page?
User 187934 Photo

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HTML tables are perfectly fine when used for tubular data. Designing a website around them just isn't cool anymore with all the responsive designs that are being requested. I have some html tables on a website but it's for displaying data like spreadsheets. There's lots of data and their meant to be viewed on a pc but are still viewable to smaller screens with a little pinching. I even have some on a responsive page but their narrow and only three or four columns wide to keep them assessable to mobile devices. These tables display mini reports based on the larger tables. CC has some awesome responsive templates for the html editor that makes designing a css based website a breeze and you get the added benefit of responsiveness.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,576 posts

Hi again, Ken,
Don't know if you can use the files in the attachment. It is meant as a start help. If you include the link to the style sheet on every page, the styles will work throughout.

All the awful coloured borders are only there so that you can see what you have got, and when you don't need them, then just remove them from the css. Also all the <br> tags in the html file should be removed when you insert your own contents. They are also just put in to visualize the various page elements. You also have to adjust the % widths of the content and the sidebar to fit your needs. As you see, I have made them 69 and 30%. When the borders have been removed, you can change the 69 to 70, or to any values that add up to 100.
There are many more refineries that can be made to the css. If you need help, just get back to us. :)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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