Suggestions for CoffeeCup Animation...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

We want your ideas, suggestions, and comments about CoffeeCup Animation Studio . So tell us: How can we make the software even better? Remember, our products are here for you guys, so we want to make them the very best we can. This is our first release and we have lots of cool things in store for this program.
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User 126492 Photo

1,524 posts

Some cool transitions we can use between frames, ie:- left scroll, right scroll etc.............. for starters.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Jim took the words out of my fingers lol.

I'd like to see not only transitions, but effects also. Not sure if you can find it anymore, but check out Jasc/Corel (not sure which one it's under at this point anymore) Animation Shop. Lots of cool effects in that one, but difficult to find and the update doesn't work well at all for me.

I would also like to see the little tiny buttons for Move Up, Move Down, Play and Pause to be about 2 times the size they are, or the ability to have larger icons there as a choice. They are pretty tiny, and took me a while to even realize they were there. I was just about to email and ask if the Play/Run button could be added to the top where all the other nice big buttons are when I happened to just find that one. Very hard to see if you're not aware it's there. Double the size they are would be perfect I think :)

Any chance we can get information on what you have planned for it? That way we won't flood the suggestions with things you're already working on or planning to add. :P Don't need a time line (heaven forbid!!) just would be nice to know what features are planned already for it :)
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,592 posts

Regarding the buttons for play and pause, they ought to be as icons nect to the preview icon.

I had difficulties understanding what 'Disposal' was supposed to mean, so I read the help file, but I didn't get much wiser (Maybe it's me, or maybe it's the way it's explained, I don't know.). I think someone ought to look into that.

Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Inger wrote:
Regarding the buttons for play and pause, they ought to be as icons nect to the preview icon.

I had difficulties understanding what 'Disposal' was supposed to mean, so I read the help file, but I didn't get much wiser (Maybe it's me, or maybe it's the way it's explained, I don't know.). I think someone ought to look into that.

Yeah, Disposal is a bitch to describe. ;)

Here is an image that shows how it all works. … imated.gif

Import that into Animated Studio and you will see how the disposal is set for each frame.
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User 163444 Photo

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11 posts

Sorry, I still have not quite understood the difference between GIF Animator and Animation Studio.
Which format(s) does Animation Studio deliver as output?
Can we see examples of animations made with Animation Studio on a website?
Could we, for instance, let a character walk over the header/footer or the whole website? (Make it clickable?)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

maxie wrote:
Sorry, I still have not quite understood the difference between GIF Animator and Animation Studio.
Which format(s) does Animation Studio deliver as output?
Can we see examples of animations made with Animation Studio on a website?
Could we, for instance, let a character walk over the header/footer or the whole website? (Make it clickable?)

Here are just a few of the new features you will find in Animation Studio:
  • Edits pre-existing animated images created with any program
  • Image editor with drawing and selection tools
  • Color correction tools that make advanced adjustments simple
  • Create your own frames in the editor, or customize other images with it
  • Use GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF and BMP images as frames
  • Opens WIF files, so anything created in Web Image Studio can be added
  • Excellent transparency controls
  • A wide variety of dither modes preserves the quality of your frames
  • In-program Live Preview and external Browser Preview
  • Preview images (and animated images' frames) before opening them
  • New easy-to-use interface
  • Project file keeps your entire animation organized

The output is an animated GIF. For examples, download the trial version and we have included quite a few. You can also see one on our website at

Here is an example:

You can also make any kind of image you want. After you make the image, simply add the appropriate HTML to your website and it can be clickable.

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User 2111660 Photo

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43 posts

Animation Studio is pretty nice -- I'm currently evaluating it. Some suggestions, though:

* Make it so the overall dimensions of the resultant GIF can be specified -- perhaps constrain this on only pure WIF animations [i.e. vector] (or if you're brave, include Bitmap cases). This is a natural for WIF images, since they are vector and thus lend themselves to sizing without loss of information, but I "get it" that this is more challenging for bitmap images, especially when expanding.
* Give the Spray Brush (in the Edit mode) a random spray pattern (currently the spray pattern has that early MAC look ;) Perhaps make this selectable, with different random pattern types, such as random spacing (such that the distance between the dots is random) and random numbers of dots or randomly dispersed uniform spreading (such that the distance between the dots is always uniform and the number of dots is the same but the positions of the dots are random). Then you could also add dot size control, random dot size, range of dot sizes, dot shape adjustment, etc. [But, that may be beyond the scope of this "simple touch-up" tool ;) ]
* Add a preview to the Edit/Preferences/Image Import dialog. Perhaps this could be moved to the Add feature, so a file can be selected that the preview could be applied to. As it is now, you either need to have a feel for what each of the Dither Modes does to an image, or you have to test load the image(s) with each dither mode selected -- VERY tedious!
The sky is high, unless you're in orbit!
User 15653 Photo

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233 posts

Here is an image that shows how it all works. … imated.gif

Import that into Animated Studio and you will see how the disposal is set for each frame.

Can you provide more detail on this Scott? I didn't see any 'import' feature and since I can apparently open only a .cas file. ???
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Chris O wrote:
Here is an image that shows how it all works. … imated.gif

Import that into Animated Studio and you will see how the disposal is set for each frame.

Can you provide more detail on this Scott? I didn't see any 'import' feature and since I can apparently open only a .cas file. ???

The Open is only used for opening an Animated Studio project. If you want to use your own images, click the Add Toolbar Icon.

If you take that image and in Animated Studio use the Add toolbar icon, it will import all the frames in the software. You can then cycle through each frame and see what we are talking about.
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