Video Examples - Page 1 - Post ID 200833

User 469369 Photo

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46 posts

Didn't see any when I searched; if you (anyone) have some video examples, I would (as I am sure others would too), love to see some examples of the video option with Animation Studio.

Thanks :D
My current website that is always under construction:
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Made this from video. Only took a few seconds. You can of course edit the file with Animation Studio. Very slick program works like a champ!
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 29507 Photo

98 posts

Received the email about the new Animation Studio, with a reference to the 'movement' on the included gif image... only I don't see any animation.

Actually, I don't see anything moving in the miniscule gif submitted by Gunsmoke on the 15th October either.
David G Powner, MIVA
User 187934 Photo

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The one that coffeecup made was a true Cinemagraph where a section of the gif is allowed to move and the rest is stationary. You should see the guys shadow from his arm waving but yet his actual arm never moves. This small subtle approach to animation actually makes for a more compelling display. Gun smokes animation would be a true animated gif where the entire image is moving. His has the guy blowing up what looks to be an inner tube and it explodes taking his head off.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 29507 Photo

98 posts

Sorry Eric. but nothing's moving for me - nor on the second email from CC - no swinging chandelier!Tried viewing in IE and Windows Media Centre - both images dead as a gif!
David G Powner, MIVA
User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts

It seems the 'non-movement' has to do with the e-mail client. I'm using MS Outlook and did not see any movement either - in the e-mail. But when I clicked on the e-mail link to the same image at the CoffeeCup website, it was moving just fine as Eric described... :)
User 29507 Photo

98 posts

Don't think so - I'm using eM Client for receiving with this account.
David G Powner, MIVA
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Did you try clicking on the CoffeeCup banner in the e-mail to see the image on the website?
User 29507 Photo

98 posts

Of course I tried it on site - that's the natural result of clicking on the link.

But I'm a bit further forward - it works in Google Chrome, but not in (my) IE9. I haven't got FF on this machine - I'm just going to try it in Safari on my iPad.
Still, it's not going to be a good selling point if it doesn't work in IE

Yes, it works in Safari.
David G Powner, MIVA
User 29507 Photo

98 posts

BTW Love the web site
Are you Jorge César Nhacocane by chance?
Per = percussion?
David G Powner, MIVA

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