Symbols in Grid Builder?

User 2220522 Photo

Registered User
49 posts

Hi all, I am new to Grid Builder - so a few dumb questions :P:

I am using Grid Builder and want to create a menu, and reference that code in each page of my site. I understand this can be done by using symbols, but I cannot find where this is done in GB.

I hear css grid is incorporated into Site Builder v3. The SD forum seems to indicate that v3 is out, but the Coffee Cup SD page only talks about v2 in its sale ad. What's up?

Is SD v3 able to read Grid Builder project files? (If I have to switch over to use symbols).

Thanks for any help.
User 379556 Photo

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1,577 posts

1. In the panel on the right there are 4 choices at the top (Content, Styles, Element, Settings). Selecting 'Content' leads to 3 choices at the top, the last of which is 'Symbols'. Instructions about them are here.

2. It seems that the CoffeeCup team haven't yet got around to updating the wording at, but clicking on the 'Try it out' button under the first picture in that page leads to a download of a trial of the latest Windows version (Site Designer Version 3.0, Build 2685) of Site Designer V3.

3. Site Designer V3 does read Grid Builder project files.

User 2220522 Photo

Registered User
49 posts

I don't know how I missed symbols in Content. Must be getting old :rolleyes:.
Thanks for all the info.

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