Can't See Files - Page 2 - Post ID...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Don Sides wrote:
Again, it's not showing any files. I'm using Windows 7. This may take a phone call to CC to straighten out.

If you cannot find the .vnu file, there is no way to reconstruct that. You will have to create your website over from scratch. If you have the HTML files still, you can use our HTML Editor to make your modifications instead. Just note that the HTML Editor is not a visual based editor and you will have to code your website.

What I suggest is if you start over with VSD, start making good backups. Using Dropbox is a perfect option. It is free and automatic.
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User 2172730 Photo

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Another issue was the GoDaddy tech suggesting that I download and use ZillaFile, I think it was called. An FTP thing. That crazy thing was trying to download so much junk on my computer it took a long time to finally get it uninstalled. I still can't get rid of some of it, including Norton.

I'll try CC FTP.
User 2172730 Photo

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96 posts

I'm slowly reconstructing my web site by just uploading the files, one by one, to GoDaddy. I can't understand why GoDaddy can recognize my files but CoffeeCup can't.

As far as saving, I hit save every time I did anything in CoffeeCup. There's no way I can save them anymore the next time than I did over the last months. When I do a search for .VNU I don't see anything from my web site that crashed.

I wish I had a count on how many times I have rebuilt this page in the last year. If it's not one thing that goes wrong, then it's another.

User 2172730 Photo

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96 posts

This is a fairly new laptop, purchased a few months ago. I also had my old laptop completely wiped clean and reformatted several months ago about the same time. Everything was saved off of that laptop onto an external hard drive. I'll start going through all of that now, in hopes it might be there. I'm just not finding any relevant VNU or VSD files on this computer. There is a chance it might be on another machine or on a hard drive. After I thought about it, and eliminated as many scenarios as I could, I remembered that that web site was not made on this laptop.

But also...why is it that CoffeeCup will recognize any file when you are building a web site. It will let me navigate around and pull up any file I want. If it can recognize those files when a site is being built, why can't it recognize the same files when you are re-opening it later?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

I am not really following you on those last questions. I can only say Visual Site Designer can ONLY open files that end in .VNU. If that file is not there, VSD cannot work with it. Sounds like you only have the _exported website (which is just the HTML and images). That is what gets uploaded to your hosting provider.

If you cannot find the VNU file, your only option is to create your website again. That file however must be there because if you create a new website, save it and then re-open that website, you are working with the VNU file. I think you just need to check the process your are taking and make sure you are not doing something you shouldn't be. VSD is not forgiving if things are not properly followed.
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User 2172730 Photo

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I talked to GoDaddy again. We can't fix the site through them and they suggested to jus try something different. And I just renewed this account and have over $100 that should be refunded that now they say they can't refund.

I'm cancelling everything I have with GoDaddy and moving it all to something better and more reliable.

User 2172730 Photo

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96 posts

I'm not sure where we left off, but I think some of it was in another thread. So here's the update.
I called Coffeecup but didn't reach anyone the first time. Then I called iPage and since they are often rated as the best hosting service in the land, and because they have 24-7 phone support, I struck a deal with them. The 24-7 phone support was the real clencher for me since I'm usually not seeking web tech support during normal business hours.
I have the site up and running again, but I'm still working on it. The one thing I'm noticing that I never have before, is that the scale that I see on my VSD screen is often a lot different from what gets published on line. For example, I have some wording in a text box, and in VSD there is no room to add anything. After it's published there a big gaps in the wording that would make anyone wonder why it wasn't fixed in the code or WYSIWYG program. It's like I'm not seeing the same scale when I design as when it gets published. Any suggestion on this would be helpful.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,218 posts

Make sure your not hitting the return key when typing text into your text box to make a new paragraph. Always put each paragraph in it's own text box.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2172730 Photo

Registered User
96 posts

I already have each paragraph in separate text boxes. There isn't enough room between them in VSD to add another line of anything. Yet, published on line there appear to be gaps of a half inch to nearly two inches between some of them. There is no room in VSD to tighten it up any without the text overlap on itself.
I'm not a seasoned expert with VSD, but I've dealt with it a good while and with good results, but I've never seen anything quite like this.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,218 posts

Can we see your site?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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