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User 418919 Photo

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Adam, where was this provided to me already??
User 2484360 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Barbara Thompson wrote:
Any less "expensive" alternative?

Nothing good ever comes cheap Barbara. ;)

If you want something ZERO cost, stick with VSD. If you want to be compatible with all browsers and devices, you need to use better tools that can accomplish the task. You will need to rebuild all your sites from scratch in RLM.

http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/designe … post236858
User 418919 Photo

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249 posts

"We have provided it a few times"

I only see that once that you pointed out - so sorry I missed it. I'll try to do better in the future, Adam.
User 2484360 Photo

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User 38401 Photo

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I think one thing that many suggesters of RIM neglect to point out is that it is not really for the person that has no ability to code. If you do have that ability Barbara, then by all means it may be worth taking a look at. I see on previous posts that you mention not being 'savvy' so this may not be a good choice for you then. I guess in the end it depends on your ability to edit the code as you will need to do a lot of editing after exporting.

Just thought I would point that out so you didn't spend money on something you cannot really use. Give the trial version a try if you are thinking of checking it out before you buy so you can be sure you and it are compatible. :)
User 418919 Photo

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249 posts

I appreciate your response, Jo Ann. I have NO ability to code. That is why VSD has been so good for me to use. I really don't think RLM would be my cup of tea.
User 38401 Photo

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Now having said all that Barbara, the Responsive Site Designer (or whatever it ends up being called) might be more to your liking when it's released as that will build a complete site, and I am under the impression that no coding will be needed for that one. I am guessing no more than what you need to do with VSD when you add outside scripts.

The great thing will be that the websites will be responsive and more updated code. Might want to take that one for a trial spin when it comes out :)
User 418919 Photo

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249 posts

Sounds like it's gonna be right up my alley. Thanks, Jo Ann.
User 2088758 Photo

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Oh no Jo Ann!!!

Now having said all that Barbara, the Responsive Site Designer (or whatever it ends up being called)

You said the unmentionable word :(
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Steve Kolish

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Steve wrote:
Oh no Jo Ann!!!

Now having said all that Barbara, the Responsive Site Designer (or whatever it ends up being called)

You said the unmentionable word :(

Minus 1. :)
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.

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