This is an endorsement of the free VSD templates linked above. There are 36 (!) of them, and they come with a lot more than just what meets the eye on the listing page. I opened the golf themed one, and in addition to the .vnu file it came with the complete HTML of the publish version (HTML Editor folks take note!) as well as a grab-bag of extra graphics. For example, in the golf theme, in addition to the single green background image there was an extra corner piece with just the club and ball, extra plain green corner pieces for all four corners, and a green rectangle that can easily be resized and combined with the corners to make a compatible green background of any dimension. There were also extra bits like a ball tee image for use as a marker, side bars, and button images. I'm re-doing the web pages for my local golf league and in very short order I was able to customize the existing pages to fit the dimensions necessary for my roster, handicap table, and such, while still retaining the original look and feel.
Can you believe all that content is free? Times 36! Get 'em and enjoy!
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa
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