FTP to iPage - Page 4 - Post ID 242700

User 2172730 Photo

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96 posts

Yes...and I'll tell you quite frankly, knowing what I know now I wish I had used S Drive.

I don't like having to come here and then go to iPage every time an issue arises. I'd like to do it all from here. I was with Go Daddy and all my sites crashed and all my info was lost. I can't begin to tell you the conflicting stories I got from GoDaddy on that. I guess I am that one in a thousand customers that didn't like Go Daddy. I moved from there to iPage because it is the top rated hosting service. I've had a ton of trouble there, as you have read about in this thread. Seems like S Drive is the next logical step. I'll start reading about it to learn more, and get some plans and prices.

Right now, I have one account with iPage, and then I have 8 more domains in that same account. That may be part of the trouble too, although they say it isn't. Would I have to have a separate account for all my domains in S Drive?

User 103173 Photo

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Don Sides wrote:
Yes...and I'll tell you quite frankly, knowing what I know now I wish I had used S Drive.

I don't like having to come here and then go to iPage every time an issue arises. I'd like to do it all from here. I was with Go Daddy and all my sites crashed and all my info was lost. I can't begin to tell you the conflicting stories I got from GoDaddy on that. I guess I am that one in a thousand customers that didn't like Go Daddy. I moved from there to iPage because it is the top rated hosting service. I've had a ton of trouble there, as you have read about in this thread. Seems like S Drive is the next logical step. I'll start reading about it to learn more, and get some plans and prices.

Right now, I have one account with iPage, and then I have 8 more domains in that same account. That may be part of the trouble too, although they say it isn't. Would I have to have a separate account for all my domains in S Drive?


Our free plan just gives you one website. If you have multiple websites, you would have to upgrade to a paid plan. Each of our plans then offer different features.

You can view the plans here: http://www.coffeecup.com/sdrive/plans
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User 2172730 Photo

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96 posts

One thing I like about iPage is that they have 24-7 phone support. I never would have figured this out without their phone support.

On the other hand, iPage could have caused the problem in the first place. If I hadn't used iPage I might not have even needed the tech support. It can't be that difficult to ftp something from CC to iPage. I didn't have any trouble with that until I had multiple domains and folders at iPage. It's also possible that I inadvertently didn't click on the corresponding Domain name on the left side of the CC VSD ftp window. In that case, CC might have sent a folder or files to the wrong folder in iPage. Regardless, it was a royal mess, and the first step was to delete everything in iPage and start over. Now, they tell me if I edit or change anything on my websites to delete that specific folder from iPage BEFORE sending the updated file.
User 2172730 Photo

Registered User
96 posts

And now, of all things, I can't even log back into iPage. I guess that have gotten sick and tired of me over there! lol
User 2172730 Photo

Registered User
96 posts

Looks like I'll be migrating over to S Drive. I've spent 30-45 here and there several times tonight trying to understand why iPage is still being cranky when I want to upload an edited web site. I have to delete the original folder, FTP a new one to iPage then go to File Manager and then to Domain Central and redirect the pointed every time, and over 50% of the time it doesn't work and we go round and round and round until it does. There is no way I can keep on with this.

I'll start asking questions on the S Drive forum soon.

Thanks again.

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