This looks fine on my iPad or laptop but not on PC with widescreen monitor
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How can I make my website fill an...
Visual Site Designer builds websites using "absolute positioning". This means everything has a fixed place within your page and cannot adjust based on the viewer’s device size (desktop, tablet, mobile phone etc.). Absolute positioning does not allow for a fluid design. design.
Our new Responsive Layout Maker solves one of the biggest challenges in responsive design, having a flexible core which can adapt based on the viewer’s screen size. In a nutshell, Responsive Layout Maker creates a responsive prototype website (called a layout). You build the structure of your website in Responsive Layout Maker and then export to any code editor to add your final content.
If you have not done so yet, we also have a bunch of articles on RLM to help you get more familiar with how the software works. Our Quick Start Guide is very helpful when getting started with Responsive Layout Maker. We recommend taking a look at it as it explains many different parts of RLM.
If your traffic statistics are leaning towards mobile traffic, we really suggest you dive into the responsive waters now. With Responsive Layout Maker along with the Quick Start Guide, some helpful videos and other tutorials will help you master this critical aspect web design. We recommend taking a look at it as it explains many different parts of Responsive Layout Maker. It will also allow you to hit the ground running when our Responsive Site Designer program is released (Responsive Site Designer will be able to import RLM layouts).
All that sound scary?
Time flies so let us help you put your site on track for success now that Google has flipped the switch. Just drop us a note and we’ll hook you up with someone in our army of experts to do all this for you.
Our new Responsive Layout Maker solves one of the biggest challenges in responsive design, having a flexible core which can adapt based on the viewer’s screen size. In a nutshell, Responsive Layout Maker creates a responsive prototype website (called a layout). You build the structure of your website in Responsive Layout Maker and then export to any code editor to add your final content.
If you have not done so yet, we also have a bunch of articles on RLM to help you get more familiar with how the software works. Our Quick Start Guide is very helpful when getting started with Responsive Layout Maker. We recommend taking a look at it as it explains many different parts of RLM.
If your traffic statistics are leaning towards mobile traffic, we really suggest you dive into the responsive waters now. With Responsive Layout Maker along with the Quick Start Guide, some helpful videos and other tutorials will help you master this critical aspect web design. We recommend taking a look at it as it explains many different parts of Responsive Layout Maker. It will also allow you to hit the ground running when our Responsive Site Designer program is released (Responsive Site Designer will be able to import RLM layouts).
All that sound scary?
Time flies so let us help you put your site on track for success now that Google has flipped the switch. Just drop us a note and we’ll hook you up with someone in our army of experts to do all this for you.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
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