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User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

TM and Todd,
Framesets are very much a thing of the past. I don't see any reason to be using them on either of these sites.
Load time is important for SEO, and having a site load into a frame is an extra unnecessary step.

Todd, is there supposed to be something under the spinning ball and Xpress softball title? I see a blank area. Below that, there's an area that seems to have some Flash code but I just see a blue box.

TM, I don't see anything on the page, just a header section with a blue pattern and Below that, only the pick a language box and the policy links. That's it. I don't see any VSD code anywhere either???

Using Firefox 33+
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2088758 Photo

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3,103 posts

TM, I don't see anything on the page, just a header section with a blue pattern and Below that, only the pick a language box and the policy links. That's it. I don't see any VSD code anywhere either???

Hey paintbrush,

I believe he forgot one of the : in the address he gave you. Try this one:
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2219486 Photo

Registered User
53 posts

Oops. My bad, thanks in advance for any more feedback :)
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Wow... that's a change! The other site had boat-loads of weird code and missing images.
I see the VSD site now, thanks. :)

I would have a look at sites for similar services/products and get some ideas. Here's one example: … chad-shaw/
It's much easier to read, (white on black is hard on the eyes) and has high quality images (and it's responsive).
It's not responsive, but it looks up to date and loaded with engaging info/photos.
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2219486 Photo

Registered User
53 posts

Thank you... A new colour scheme then maybe?! Arghhh.. Haha. How about making it more Seo friendly? My walls of text containing awkward key words are probably not ideal!
User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

Thank you... A new colour scheme then maybe?! Arghhh.. Haha. How about making it more Seo friendly? My walls of text containing awkward key words are probably not ideal!

As Steven pointed out.

Take a look at Website Insight. You will find it very helpful in providing information and suggestions as to what needs to be changed. It also allows you to hone your keywords for the desired result.

You can find it here
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Definitely create a more engaging color scheme. :D People clicking off the site because it's difficult to look at isn't good for SEO results. In looking at the other sites, I noticed the content and the photos. The site itself didn't compete or distract. They're easy to read.

Have you determined what your keywords should be? For one example, take "crossfit". … -training/
Once again, the photos grab my attention, but there's also informative articles that use the keyword in a natural way.
Hover over the photos and check out the titles.
Also notice the small photo down on the left with the title "Top 20 Fittest Bodies of Crossfit".

Contrast this with the crossfit example from your site. On the homepage...the Crossfit link (Crossfit Love) takes me to a bland wall of text with the term Crossfit used way too many times (15+) – that could put off the Google bots (keyword stuffing). Also, there's no page title. You should have an <h1>* tag for each page. Something like "Ripped Up's Guide to Crossfit Training for Everyone". You could use subheads <h2> as well. These help Google determine if the page is a good match for the searched words/phrases.
Break up all that text with some subheads and photos, and include alt text on your photos (search bots read alt text and titles).
*Use VSD's HTML tool to add snippets of code to your page.

Have a look around the "interwebs" and take note of color schemes and layouts that could work for your site. Try a template site for inspiration: … opertylist[topic][0]=50481

In the long run, you'll be missing out on traffic because the site isn't responsive. Phones aren't just for people on the go. Many now use them (and/or pads) as their main or only way to browse the internet and shop online. I would consider the VSD site as a placeholder while getting up to speed on a responsive design. ;)

Here's Google's Guide to SEO: … -guide.pdf
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2219486 Photo

Registered User
53 posts

Wow thanks for that detailed reply. I'll really take those points on board and get back to you when I feel I've drastically improved! This is all initially a hobby and a bit of a learning curve for me. But I do hope one day I can drive enough traffic to generate some profit through a small online shop and maybe affiliate advertising.

With regards to key words, I selected two phrases - 'ripped up' and 'ripped arms', the 2nd having quite a few regular searches with little Competition. But I think I've gone a little crazy trying to get these phrases in at every opportunity, like you pointed out on my crossfit page! So it's more important to concentrate on the location of the keywords than the number of times they are mentioned?! I.e. Headings, which I have not used :|. Thanks a million, again.
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Have fun with it, TM :) Just be can be addictive!
The Website Insight software Adam linked to is a really helpful tool. Whenever I have a site that's just about ready to launch, I let WI have a look so I can make sure I've done everything to get it off to a good start.
Download the free trial and run your site through it ;)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2219486 Photo

Registered User
53 posts

Wow, I've just downloaded the free html editor for the first time. This is wayyy more complex than I imagined, bit I'm already beginning to grasp how much more Seo friendly a website can be made. Rather than just something pretty on VSD. This is going to take me forever to learn. But I really want to. It's fascinating. So am entire website could be made entirely on html editor right? I'm going to learn as much as I can over the coming weeks and produce something basic. I'm going to be around these forums a ton looking for help by the looks of it. Thanks in advance.

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