In the links section of your web site (which I found to be incredibly interesting and awe-inspiring) you said something which is very significant and which we should all bear in mind...
information. Listed below are some of my favorite blogs and
websites. Often I have used blogs to help decide where to go next
or what gear to buy. There is a ton of great information about
travel and bike touring on the internet.
Obviously your comment revolves around your own particular interest, but it should be a sound reminder to those of us who build sites that we have a certain responsibility towards potential users who are looking for information and authoritative responsible answers to their questions. Your own health situation is also a reminder that not everyone (yours is a luckier case) can use the computer hardware in exactly the same way and so should be able, as far as possible, to have alternatives which allow them to enjoy what internet has to offer in the same way as any able bodied user.
Thanks for bringing your unusual experiences in here to share.