I am awesome, and often amaze myself, but unfortunately won't be able to answer that question.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!

Steven Alford wrote:
I guess what I am asking is why would you not see that file?
Was it removed by the owner for what ever reason or is something wrong internally with the server that it got deleted?
I am surprised that the website owner has not fixed this.
I guess what I am asking is why would you not see that file?
Was it removed by the owner for what ever reason or is something wrong internally with the server that it got deleted?
I am surprised that the website owner has not fixed this.
Try this http://www.handmade-by-me.co.uk
So what do you think should be fixed, when if you typ into google name pendants you find
http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=name+p … =firefox-a
I think its called I put the main website directly into the rute directory, it was intentional, infact i always do it.
I hasten to add the first time i did it it was in error, but it worked so i stick with doing it that way
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
What does that have to do with the absence of an index page?
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
My guess is that someone deleted it, provided there was a page there to start with. If there was, then it's been deleted or the server ate it, but it's gone regardless of how it disappeared so it will have to be replaced.
Hi Tom, just wondering what the question was in the first place
Quote "Catalina Diaz wrote:
What did Steven or Catalina seem to be trying to understand about the above
OK i am brain dead, just clicked on it, exscuse my stupidity everyone old age and senile dementia setting in
Quote "Catalina Diaz wrote:
What did Steven or Catalina seem to be trying to understand about the above
OK i am brain dead, just clicked on it, exscuse my stupidity everyone old age and senile dementia setting in
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
So what does it mean when you see this on someones website instead of the site itself??
If you click on the linked word "files" you can see there images.
If you click on the linked word "files" you can see there images.
Why the directory index was displaying instead of the home page. And what happened to the home page.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
hehe I had to go back to page 5 of this thread to find that out myself too (I have view on 20 posts at a time so if you have more then it may not be page 5 for you
) They just posted their site for people to see for the most part and said it's all done with CC software

Hey, I thought you would be getting scanned or groped at the airport by now.

CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
Just to explain my stupidity, when i set up my first website using Cubecart, no idea at all what i was doing (NOT MUCH BETTER NOW SOMETIMES) I did not know what to do so when the fantastico installer asked for the directory, to install into so I automatically thought /shop
for about a year if you went to my website which was www.namependants.co.uk you got something very similar
However www.namependants.co.uk/shop had my shopping cart displaying perfectly
needless to say, i did not get any orders, apart from customers following a link i provided in ebay, emails, etc.
4 years later i tend to be trying to be more tolerant of my own errors, and understanding when questions like this one appear in the forum, as after all most of us are trying to learn, and many are about as new to all this as i was 4 years ago when i made that mistake.
for about a year if you went to my website which was www.namependants.co.uk you got something very similar
However www.namependants.co.uk/shop had my shopping cart displaying perfectly
needless to say, i did not get any orders, apart from customers following a link i provided in ebay, emails, etc.
4 years later i tend to be trying to be more tolerant of my own errors, and understanding when questions like this one appear in the forum, as after all most of us are trying to learn, and many are about as new to all this as i was 4 years ago when i made that mistake.
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011 www.deloreanjewellery.co.uk
My friendly window cleaner www.mwcwindowcleaner.co.uk
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