I've been using VSD for a couple of years, and am must about feeling confident enough to post my attempts on here!
First was
flintanddenbighrc.com now in need of a revamp, but an incredibly popular, well used, and very big website, so I'm a little relucant to start the changes, but it'll have to happen. Incorporated in this site are firestarter, dhtml menu builder, VSD (of course), formbuilder and shopping cart creator. And lastly, Stream.
diannebreeze.com assisted greatly by the artistic merits of my friend who the site was for! Used VSD, photogallery and shopping cart creator.
walgochfishing.com one of my pub drinkers who wanted a site done for his fishing business. Used VSD, firestarter and photogallery.
maelorec.co.uk for another friend (a bit of a theme here you may have noticed!). Used VSD and formbuilder.
Hope you like them!