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User 92156 Photo

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Nice web site John.

"We believe that every single human being, without exception, is deeply and naturally musical."
You haven't heard me play! I can't even play "twinkle little star" on a child's xylophone marked with letters of the alphabet.

Nora The Cat can play a piano better than me
User 2222534 Photo

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3 posts

I put together a site for my sculptures using VSD7 and would be grateful for any suggestions or ideas for improvement:

This is my first attempt at building a website. VSD, S-Drive and CoffeeCup support are fantastic, and this forum has been very helpful too.

Mitch Lang
User 187934 Photo

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Nice job Mitchell. I think your site looks as good as your sculptures.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2222534 Photo

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Thanks for the kind words, Eric!
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Mitch...your work is amazing, and your site has been carefully thought out to reflect the simple, clean lines of the woodwork. If I can just say one minor the gallery, in the second row...the portal image with the light wood (maple?) on top could be nudged just a couple of pixels over to the right to bring it in line with the left hand side of the image above it maybe...but really...this is nit picking!
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Very very beautiful Mitch, simple clean site, but I just love your sculptures, amazing gift you have there!
User 1869322 Photo

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Hello All,

I have checked out quite of few of the sites on this thread and I am really impressed. I have very little coding knowledge, but I can figure it out when it comes to visually placing items, as VSD allow you to do. Would anyone mind giving me some constructive criticism? Or give advice on creating menus like like Mr. Hyde and Arty Crafty Creations has made.

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Hi Elvin...well to begin with, Mr.Hyde is Mrs. Hyde...but apart from that I will just tell you that the menu in my site was created using css. I am not sure if you can use the HTML box option in VSD to insert a similar menu. Maybe someone in here has experimented with that and can come in and give a pointer on how to achieve that one.
User 1869322 Photo

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My apologies... "Mrs. Hyde". I didn't mean anything by it. I probably should have read the name more closely. Any suggestions on my site, though? and when you say use the HTML box. I assume I need to write the code? Or are there templates that might help me?

Thanks again
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

No problem Elvin!
So yes - that would mean that you would have to use some code to get the desired effect. But VSD is really not my field of action so I do hope that someone else can tell us if they have tried this out. Pointless getting you running around looking for code if this one is not going to work for you.

I have looked at your site...the only suggestion I can think of is to move that image in the left-hand column on your contact page. Maybe it could go up nearer the top of the column - the position it is in now seems to leave it hanging with no reason for being there. Obviously one of the great advantages of the VSD is that you can add images and move them around easily - but just because you can do it, doesn't mean you have to do it. Sometimes clean and simple is more effective and professional looking

I realise that you are just starting out so need some space to move around and get used to the software, but once you do get a handle on how it all works, give a bit more attention maybe to the things I mentioned here.

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