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User 562592 Photo

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Marc, I believe it is the graphics that are causing the problem. I loaded your page (which is very nice by the way), in a script enabled browser and it was still pretty slow. How did you create your graphics, maybe we can give you some advice on how to optimize them better.
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User 38401 Photo

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Yeah, but I don't think that's the issue that I am having with the site Eric. It's acting as if it's "trying" to load over and over and over, the loading bar goes up and down constantly really fast which says to me something isn't right in a script somewhere. The only reason I know it's the Google map thing doing it is because it stops when I temporarily trust that address in my NoScript on FireFox. Once I do that it stops all the loading problems.

Having said that, yes I agree with Eric that your images need some optimizing as they do load slowly too.
User 463058 Photo

1,080 posts

If the shadows are being added to the images outside of VSD, then they can be optimized, but if the shadows are being added within VSD, then nothing can be done. The page loaded fine for me, with Noscript allowing everything, so it shouldn't be a problem.

People using Noscript will realize Noscript is causing problems and fix it on their end.

Part of the problem with any remaining slowing of the page loading is that VSD creates additional, unnecessary images and has the browser load them as well. For instance, the background image (IMG_0.jpg) is basically a composite of all the images on the page.
User 1866139 Photo

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4 posts

Thanks everyone. I haven't optimised the images but have dropped them onto the site as they are to retain the quality.

I have also removed the google analytics from the header but haven't seen any improvement at my end.

What would be the best way to optimise the images to make them load faster?

Thanks again.

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User 38401 Photo

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Hiya Marc,

My bad because I really did type 'analytics' on my original response and mean the google mapping thing. I did say the mapping thing in my further responses, but totally missed that I had said analytics in the first response, sorry for that confusion. Fingers typing faster than brain or vs. vs. I guess lol.

It's the mapping thing you have in the bottom left that is causing the issue for me. You can return the analytics to the site no problem there :)
User 418312 Photo

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I have to find a new way to do the password protection (I've worked with CC tech support and the conclusion is that WAM is incompatible with the server)...either through the cpanel or getting a new server.

I have a few more pages to create for it too...but overall, it's pretty much done :)
User 6573 Photo

2,649 posts

mandinkers wrote:

I have to find a new way to do the password protection (I've worked with CC tech support and the conclusion is that WAM is incompatible with the server)...either through the cpanel or getting a new server.

I have a few more pages to create for it too...but overall, it's pretty much done :)

The site looks great. Long time ago I used the protected directories features in my cpanel, it worked fine.

User 158708 Photo

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"I told my son my car was a race car... He paused, thought then asked.."Than why does it have a radio?"
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

David Lawrence wrote:

Pretty site David, but I think you might have darkened things up to almost not there a little too much and a little too long for your menu. Some people like me are pretty impatient when navigating sites and when I go to a site I like to see the navigation completely not in segments so i can see where I need to go next right away or at least within a few seconds max. With your menu fading in and out to black and not being legible in any way while it's cycling, you could be causing people to not realize it's there, or just not want to be patient waiting to see where the menu item is they need. Just a thought. Pretty though I really do like the setup other than that :)

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