Jacob Windsor wrote:Site I created for unsigned artists
please feel free to give any constructive criticism. Not too harsh though im only 16 and this is my first site.
Very nice site to be a first one!
I do have some constructive help not criticism.

This will help you site out a lot in the page speed area...
The only main thing I see, is that you have scaled a lot of your images down with HTML or CSS... And what that does is, when a user comes to your site. Their browser downloads an image that is we will say 800x800 and the file size is 50kb but you have it scales down to 400x400 yet the file size is still 50kb. It you were to edit this image and change the dimensions to 400x400 it will reduce the file size and allow the user to download that image quickly, because instead of 50kbs it is now around 25kb...
Now, does not seem like much when you are talking about one image. And it is not. But I see 7 images that are scaled on your home page alone. Here is a site speed report for you and it will also tell you how to scale these images down.
http://gtmetrix.com/reports/newbornsoun … k/U5qje5VE
Hope this helps!