Hiya Tim,
Looks nice, am wondering why you didn't opt to do a full blown online shop, but I'm sure you have your reasons for that as I don't know much on the artifact scene and how that's usually handled.
As for the site it looks very nice, not bad for VSD and you did a good job on all but one thing lol... ya I know there's always something

The links in the footer look atrocious compared to the rest of the site. I would suggest coloring them the teal color in your logo and "not" having them change to a different color when visited. Right now it's very bad colors when you look at the rest of the site, and the colors are not consistent either. Some pages mark all of them read, some only some of them visited so make sure they are all the same settings. I don't know about others, but I tend to not use the visited setting on links anymore. It's very distracting to me.
Anyways, definitely change the colors on those links to match the rest of your site and make the visited setting either go away completely, or the same color for all pages and you'll be good to go. Nice job!