Resurrecting VSD to edit old website

User 1868508 Photo

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16 posts

Greetings, I want to update two old websites until new ones are created with updated software since I don't currently have time and resources to get it done.

I purchased the Webmaster Super Pack in 2009 and finally found my old Coffee Cup Installation Disc and Installed VSD 5.9.4 from the disc in an attempt to do some work on these old websites, but when I try to open any of the VNU files I have archived I get a Homepage could not be opened error.

Is anyone still around that might have some ideas? these same VNU files opened fine on the old (now gone) PCs that had VSD installed.

User 122279 Photo

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The reason why you are not able to open your old files, could that be because you had bought updates to VSD, so you need a newer version?

Please check your email in a little while (the one you use with CC in case you have several).
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 1868508 Photo

Registered User
16 posts

Thanks Inger, I thought that might be the case too. i would love a newer version, I know it had been updated in my old PCs all along but so far the update files have been eluding my searches :(
User 1868508 Photo

Registered User
16 posts

In case anyone stumbles in here with a similar issue: Finding version 7.0.26 and installing it did the trick!
Thanks, Inger, for your prompt assistance! :cool:

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