Sample Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

User 3004957 Photo

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I am creating a website using VSD and want to include a Privacy Policy and a Terms of Use page. Is there a website that provides sample wording I can customize and use as my own? (I don't have to get a lawyer to compose these, do I?)
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Maybe try something like this:

Google 'privacy policy' to find more free policy generators (and see samples). :)
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User 2926643 Photo

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Good morning:

One question, the Coffeecup program does not have to put the typically privacy policy clicking of the "I agree" checkbox. This is important, there are other programs that have it. I bought the program and I need that box. Any update of the program?

User 122279 Photo

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The heading of this forum includes the word 'discontinued'. The programme VSD has been discontinued for quite some years, meaning that there won't be any updates, and it is no longer supported by CC.
There are reasons for this. Since approx. 2013-14 the use of mobile devices has increased, and from 2015 we have had to build sites that are responsive to any screen size (from mobile phones to large desktop monitors, even TV screens might be used). This is not possible to do with VSD because of the positioning of page elements used.

CC has launched a series of new site builders, Site Designer 3.5 being so far the newest and best. There isn't any ready-made 'I agree' box included, but it can easily be made in Site Designer.
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Inger, Norway

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User 2926643 Photo

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Incredible, they sold me an obsolete program and told me to buy another program.
I do not need a program to do web, I already have Magix Webdesigner that is much better than Site Designer. I want a program to make forms, for that I bought Coffecup, if it does not work, stop selling it.

User 122279 Photo

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CC is not selling VSD, they haven't done so for years. I don't know when you bought yours. And 'Coffeecup' as the name of a programme is a tad unprecise, as they produce several programmes with their company name as part of the programme name. What you need to look at is the Coffeecup Web Form Builder.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 2926643 Photo

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Okay, I got what I bought at the Coffeecup Web Form Builder. I bought it a month ago. The program is missing many things, including changing the color of the send button but something as important as the typically privacy policy "I agree" checkbox, should have it.
User 122279 Photo

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So your complaint was not about VSD after all? I assumed it was, since you posted in the VSD forum. Questions about the Web Form builder are better posted in the correct thread, so that such misunderstandings don't arise and you get relevant answers. The WFB forum is here:

Regarding that checkbox you want, you can create it yourself. Ask in the correct forum if you need help.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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