Suggestions for CoffeeCup Visual Site...

User 2209339 Photo

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8 posts

A new object which gives you the ability to visual design in tabs on a single page.
It would make it much easier to spread information over one single page without the need of building a complex combination of buttons and pages.

User 104702 Photo

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293 posts

Laurens Brand wrote:
A new object which gives you the ability to visual design in tabs on a single page.
It would make it much easier to spread information over one single page without the need of building a complex combination of buttons and pages.

Dag Laurens,

Ik begrijp niet wat je bedoelt. Vertel het eens in NL

Hi Laurens,

I don't understand what you try to tell. Say it in Dutch...

John van Hulst
User 122279 Photo

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14,518 posts

I have also been wondering what you mean, Laurens. I saw your post this morning and was hoping someone else would understand and reply.

If you mean having a website as just one page, whatever long, then that is not a good idea because of loading time and people will hate scrolling too far down. You risk that nobody will read the bottom part. Ideally one webpage should be just one viewport, but in most cases that won't be possible.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2209339 Photo

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Zal een poging wagen aan de hand van deze pagina
Dit is nu 1 hele lange pagina die eigenlijk uit 5 secties bestaat. Eigenlijk zou je de pagina horizontaal willen opslitsen met bijvoorbeeld tabs (tab-control)zodat een bezoeker niet oneindig hoeft te scrollen en je hoofdinformatie wel direct zichtbaar is. De bedoeling is dat dan ook zonder het schrijven van code mogelijk is. Wat Inger Eik zegt is precies wat ik wil voorkomen maar ik wil die 5 secties geen direct onderdeel maken van de hoofdnavigatie, aangezien het allemaal bij elkaar hoort.

Hopelijk is het zo wat duidelijker :)

johnvanhulst wrote:
Laurens Brand wrote:
A new object which gives you the ability to visual design in tabs on a single page.
It would make it much easier to spread information over one single page without the need of building a complex combination of buttons and pages.

Dag Laurens,

Ik begrijp niet wat je bedoelt. Vertel het eens in NL

Hi Laurens,

I don't understand what you try to tell. Say it in Dutch...

User 104702 Photo

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293 posts

Hallo Laurens,

Ik begrijp nu wat je bedoelt...

Het schakelen naar secties in een pagina kan gedaan worden door zgn. 'anchors'. Dit is een HTML optie die niet door VSD wordt ondersteund (helaas), dus als je dat wil regelen, zal je d.m.v. de HTML box in VSD wat HTML code aan je pagina moeten toevoegen. Gelukkig is dat (echt waar) heel eenvoudig te doen. Ik heb daarvoor al eens een voorbeeld website gemaakt. Zie hier : Je kan het VSD ontwerp daar ook downloaden en stukjes ervan gebruiken. Op mijn 'portfolio' website ( ) gebruik ik ook een 'anchor' om naar een onderdeel van de pagina te schakelen (naar de slideshow). Als je er niet uitkomt, hoor ik het wel.

Hi Laurens,

now I understand what you mean...

Switching to sections of a page can be done by using 'anchors'. It is a HTML option not included into VSD (what a pity), so if you want to use it, you'll have to add some HTML code to your page with the HTML box of VSD. Don't be afraid, to do this is very easy. I made an example website showing how to do this some time ago. Look here: You can download the VSD design there too and use parts of it. On my 'portfolio' website ( ) I use an anchor as well to switch to a region of the page (to the slideshow). If you need more help. just let me know.

Have fun, John
John van Hulst
User 2209339 Photo

Registered User
8 posts


Thanks for the update and I will definitly look into it. But the enhancement request I was talking about is about a tabcontainer as used in ASP.NET. The tabcontainer creates a set of Tabs that can be used to organize page content. I found the following url holding an example
If VSD would have a similar object avaible then spliting up information on a single would be so much more easier. As each tab could then be designed visually as well.

johnvanhulst wrote:
Hallo Laurens,

Ik begrijp nu wat je bedoelt...

Het schakelen naar secties in een pagina kan gedaan worden door zgn. 'anchors'. Dit is een HTML optie die niet door VSD wordt ondersteund (helaas), dus als je dat wil regelen, zal je d.m.v. de HTML box in VSD wat HTML code aan je pagina moeten toevoegen. Gelukkig is dat (echt waar) heel eenvoudig te doen. Ik heb daarvoor al eens een voorbeeld website gemaakt. Zie hier : Je kan het VSD ontwerp daar ook downloaden en stukjes ervan gebruiken. Op mijn 'portfolio' website ( ) gebruik ik ook een 'anchor' om naar een onderdeel van de pagina te schakelen (naar de slideshow). Als je er niet uitkomt, hoor ik het wel.

Hi Laurens,

now I understand what you mean...

Switching to sections of a page can be done by using 'anchors'. It is a HTML option not included into VSD (what a pity), so if you want to use it, you'll have to add some HTML code to your page with the HTML box of VSD. Don't be afraid, to do this is very easy. I made an example website showing how to do this some time ago. Look here: You can download the VSD design there too and use parts of it. On my 'portfolio' website ( ) I use an anchor as well to switch to a region of the page (to the slideshow). If you need more help. just let me know.

Have fun, John
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

Hi Laurens,

I understood some of what you said in Dutch. I agree that a tabbed menu would have been a fine thing to have in VSD, but I would still divide the various sections of the treatment (Body, Facial, etc) into different pages for the reasons I mentioned above.

If you explore Dynamic Drive, you can find tabbed menus, but as John says, you won't be able to avoid a bit of coding.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2209339 Photo

Registered User
8 posts


How VSD will handle it in the background should not be a concern of the user of VSD. VSD is about designing without coding. The suggestion I made is for a future version and not so much if it can be done now with some coding. I will still say that some functionality in the form of a tabcontainer would be a nice addition to VSD for the less experienced HTML coders among us :)

Inger Eik wrote:
Hi Laurens,

I understood some of what you said in Dutch. I agree that a tabbed menu would have been a fine thing to have in VSD, but I would still divide the various sections of the treatment (Body, Facial, etc) into different pages for the reasons I mentioned above.

If you explore Dynamic Drive, you can find tabbed menus, but as John says, you won't be able to avoid a bit of coding.
User 104702 Photo

Registered User
293 posts

Dag Laurens,

wat dacht je van deze? Ook al eens als voorbeeld VSD site gemaakt. Alles VSD...

Of kijk naar . Ook alleen VSD... Geen HTML toevoegingen

Hi Laurens,

what you think about this? I made it once as an example VSD site. It's VSD only...

Or watch . Also VSD only... No HTML tricks...

Groet, John
John van Hulst
User 2209339 Photo

Registered User
8 posts


Thanks for the update. The reason for creating a post in this section for me was, not to ask how and if it can be done. The reason is to ask development if they would consider an enhancement request which would make it for us, users of this software easier to achieve this. That it can be done with seperate pages is okay but the maintenance on that can be a nightmare depending on the number of subs and the changes that you need to make.
I guess we will just leave it to (business) development from here if they see the value in it. Hopefully we will see something of this in future releases :).

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