Suggestions for CoffeeCup Visual Site...

User 69840 Photo

Registered User
49 posts

Make the software create responsive webpages and/or make it do similar to what NetObjects Fusion 12 does. (NOF12 does webpages that are multi viewer compatible - pc, tablets & cel phones)
User 2111660 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

The color selection dialog needs a way to enter hexadecimal color values. I'm a bit-banger and I like my colors in hex:


div#some_style_id {
background-color: #06f;

If I wanted to create a New Website and change the background color in the "New Website" dialog to #0066ff, I currently have to convert that to decimal: 0, 102, 255 -- PITA!

A workaround is to use the Color Schemer -- but that's also a bit PITA!
The sky is high, unless you're in orbit!
User 2111660 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

On the "(Rounded) Rectangle, the "Rounded Corner Radius" is implemented in a way that the corners aren't really circular -- they're more hyperbolic. It's just not appealing and it's different from the way all the major browsers implement the CSS border-radius (far more circular -- and it looks better because of it).

Also, the radius modulates with object dimensions when those dimensions approach the radius value. That's a problem, too. What if I want a small rectangle with a large corner radius? It's very difficult with the current implementation. I have to fight the programming to do it.
The sky is high, unless you're in orbit!
User 2111660 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

In the Effects Properties dialog, the sliders need augmentation. Trying to make subtle adjustments using the mouse is irksome! Please make them so they can have focus and then will respond to to the arrow keys (e.g. left and right nudges by 1%, up and down nudge by, say, 10%) AND/OR make the number (ie.e. value) field editable.

Otherwise it's darn cool -- nice implementation of shadow, bevel and glow! Really dresses up the object.
The sky is high, unless you're in orbit!
User 144555 Photo

Registered User
21 posts

How about a way of "centering" objects?

We can align objects TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT and RIGHT, but no CENTER (vertical & horizontal).


How about adding more background options such as:

User 2478251 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Drop down menus

I can't find this option anywhere. I think this needs to be added.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Well, things are changing at CoffeeCup and I know they have a new menu builder coming out...soon! But, until then, there are many free css3 menu builders out. Try this one...
Works great and integrates with VSD very nicely.

Just keep an eye on CoffeeCup because many new things are coming out regarding responsive site building. Just saying ...
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2111660 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

Pretty nice tool, but there is a LOT missing:

1. Alignment! Would be nice to be able to create one shape and duplicate it (can, currently be done) and then position the first one precisely and the last one precisely in one dimension, and then use Horizontal/Vertical alignment, and distribution tools to get all the others arranged and spaced, based on the first two placements. That would save a LOT of time! Also, a make-all-selected-shapes-the-same width/height/size. So, also, the ability to select more than one shape.
2. Ability to use arrow keys to nudge the shapes into place.
3. Something like Ctrl-Drag to copy a shape. I.e. I would be able to hold down the Ctrl key (or Alt key) and click on a shape and drag it, and the original shape would remain in place and I would be dragging a new shape. Another grand time saver!!
4. I notice that when I drag a shape, there is a running mouse coordinates update in the lower left or the status bar. This is pretty much useless [unless I can consistently click the same position in the shape when I drag it], the mouse position doesn't really tell me much, because I can't use the position in comparison to the position reading on my last drag-and-drop. I.e. the position of the mouse pointer is of no use unless it is in consistent relation to the shapes coordinate system. There are two ways to make this happen:
a. Make it so that I can hit a key, or hold down Alt (or Ctrl) and have the mouse pointer consistently land in the center of the shape.
b. Even better: show the position of the top left corner of the shape (or bounding rectangle of the shape) -- and even betterer, also the lower right corner of the shape (or bounding rectangle of the shape). Also, things like distance from the top, right, bottom, left, would be grand [there is a lot of room on that status bar -- at least on my monitor, there is ;)
5. Guide lines! Then I could drag a vertical guide line onto the canvas/stage/client area/editing area/or-whatever-the-heck-you-call-it area and have my shapes snap to it (so also Snap to Guides). Same with a Horizontal guide line.
6. A grid, with snap-to-grid.

And, actually, if you just added guidelines and/or grid-lines, along with a snap-to feature, that would be a major improvement! Then I could get the size on one shape, make copies, then line them up with guidelines/grid-lines. Also, a distribute shapes would be grand -- which would require the ability to select more than one shape, which would be awesome!
The sky is high, unless you're in orbit!
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

I may be missing a few things here but ...

2. Ability to use arrow keys to nudge the shapes into place.
I select an object and use arrow keys to move it around all the time.
3. Something like Ctrl-Drag to copy a shape. I.e. I would be able to hold down the Ctrl key (or Alt key) and click on a shape and drag it, and the original shape would remain in place and I would be dragging a new shape. Another grand time saver!!
I select an object and hit CTRL+C to copy, then CTRL+V to create a duplicate. You can hold down SHIFT and click on an item to tag multiple items for copying. Works great for copying shapes or any other object.

And as for the rest, there are plenty of alignment options in VSD. Under VIEW you can turn on horizontal and vertical alignment lines, or even a grid. And guess what, objects 'snap-to' them! Works for me anyway. As far as the mouse coord system, I find this useful too. Especially when using the guide lines because it tells me exactly where the corner of my object is when I place the mouse there. Very handy.

Every program has its learning curve, and there are probably multiple ways of doing almost anything. But I find that VSD is very well put together for the purpose it was intended be easy to use and affordable.
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

I think Joyful is lost. I'm thinking Image mapper.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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