Suggestions for CoffeeCup Visual Site...

User 2147626 Photo

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I can usually find anything, um, if it helps me not to have to code! :D
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User 360549 Photo

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It would be great if VSD had corner scaled image/object drag along with a form of crop and set picture transparency. it is a pain that VSD does not support transparent objects right now. I have to change them in publisher, adding the background to be the same as the webpage, save as image and re-import. It would be much easier if they just had a tool to remove background and support it rather than the black frame.
User 103173 Photo

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Justin Barker wrote:
It would be great if VSD had corner scaled image/object drag along with a form of crop and set picture transparency. it is a pain that VSD does not support transparent objects right now. I have to change them in publisher, adding the background to be the same as the webpage, save as image and re-import. It would be much easier if they just had a tool to remove background and support it rather than the black frame.

There is no need for that extra work. While the software does not display transparent images, they will appear fine when you click preview. Only in the software they are black .
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User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Yep, I use transparent background images all the time!
Just put your picture in, then hit preview. Should show up real nice!
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2398057 Photo

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A few things don't work so well for large websites:

Holding the little arrows on the 'show pages' list while it scrolls through four hundred pages is maddening. A scroll bar would be really time-saving.

On the 'organize pages' thingie, the page that you're moving disappears off-screen. If you scroll to it and click it, the focus returns to where the page used to be, which is a lot less helpful than showing where the page is - and pressing the little arrow four hundred times is a lot like the holding it down process above.
User 360549 Photo

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I would like it if VSD would allow the HTML elements to go over the text. It is really annoying trying to keep all text about 300 px below my menu so the menu does not go behind it.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Hey Justin, actually, you can place your elements wherever you like. It'll work just fine. There are several ways to get your menu to display 'over' other elements that may be on your page, including text.

Right click the menu, select 'Arrange/Bring to front' to make sure your menu is on top. If that doesn't work there are a few other things you can try. See this from one of our users. If you look at the bottom he talks about using either advance text (which I don't do) or looking into the code and playing with the 'Object' code, which is what I believe some of our users do.

It may take you a few trials to see what works for you, but it is doable. :cool:
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 493807 Photo

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If they haven't already been mentioned:

1. When selecting multiple objects while holding shift, re-selecting and already selected object needs to deselect it. As it is now I must start over if I click the wrong object.

2. PNG images need to have a clear background instead of a black square in the editor.

3. The ability to lock objects in place, once locked they can still be selected, but not moved.

When you speak - You repeat what you already know.
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User 2130925 Photo

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Any updates to this cool program coming?
User 2172356 Photo

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A few ideas.

1. A "Tidy" option (toolbar or pulldown) to clean out all of the unused images and junk in the files folder. This eliminates any unused stuff from needlessly cluttering the server space. I spend a lot of time swapping out various images while building and testing the pages and these files seem to stay resident even if I'm not using them anymore.
2. A right click option to remove a single guide line vs. having to remove all of them.
3. Offer X-Y coordinates when placing objects or guidelines on a page. Sorry this request comes from using a lot of CAD software. It just feels weird not having some form of coordinate reference while building a page.
4. An option for executing HTML or Java or other code from a buttonized object. For example opening a dialog box when clicking on an image or button.
5. Ability to lock objects so I can't accidently move them. This seems to happen a lot because the cursor arrow selection zone is way too sensitive when selecting one object very close or on top of another. The excessive sensitivity in this situation can be frustrating at times particularly when working with text and text box objects.
6. The ability to deselect an object when working with groups of selected objects.

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