Suggestions for CoffeeCup Visual Site...

User 414501 Photo

Registered User
564 posts

Hey Scott et al...

I recently opened up a website in VSD and then, when I finished working on it, I close the site (without closing the software). I then re-opened another web site and when I clicked on "Tools" and "show page" the drop down list was still displaying the pages from the previous site that I had opened. It has done this to me a few other times so I thought that, perhaps, it would be worth mentioning.

Thanks and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my Coffee Cups peeps! :D
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
User 414501 Photo

Registered User
564 posts

How ABOUT can we have the ability to add effects to .png files in the new version of VSD???
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
User 104702 Photo

Registered User
293 posts

two suggestions:

When creating a mouse-over object, please add a new marker for "use same ALT text for mouseover as original. This would save me quite a lot of dumb work!

More meta-tag insertions, like these (examples)


Now only keywords and description can be added. There should be an extra general "insert other meta tags" possibility (with the standard VSD restriction: Please be aware that the program only inserts the code etc.). Now I have to do this as an extra task in the HTML editor (boy, am I glad that I can do a find and replace action in all open files and even inside (sub) folders in the HTML editor!)
John van Hulst
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

I think a good suggestion is to have a check box on links to make them "no follow" if needed.
Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 1997716 Photo

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27 posts

How about the ability to have a background image go beyond the page border? the only option I see in VSD is to have a solid color go beyond the border...

Can this be implemented? is there a workaround?
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

You can do that Michael(see my sig), just click add the background image from the [page properties](shown as 'page' on the top of the VSD menu) then [settings]>[background fill properties]>[continue the background beyond the border].
Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 2025324 Photo

Trial User
3 posts

It would be nice to have...

1. Option of 'transparent' in the "Fill" catagory and

2. Option of 'border' (with varied thickness levels) in the "Effects" catagory

Thank you.
User 104702 Photo

Registered User
293 posts

Hi YazolinoGirl,

Your second question about transparancy can be answered with a workaround: use the Coffeecup Image Mapper for this functionality. Here is an example:

Cheers, John
John van Hulst
User 484778 Photo

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3 posts

Henry Mantz wrote:
As I confirmed with your tech support people a month ago, in a mouseover stack/group VSD6 converts the under-image into a .jpg file regardless of its orginal format (i.e. converts .png files to .jpg files) and this causes transparent areas in the under image to not be transparent :(

...To which Cesar replied that VSD will make a rectangular object with the background filled in behind the empty part of the png.

HOWEVER, if you have a STACK of objects (as Henry was discussing), a rectangular block of "background" doesn't work; it needs to be a rectangular block of "whatever's under the mouseover object" which may or may not be mere page background.

To see what we mean, first create a few random overlapping shapes. Then (in the photo editor of your choice) generate two png's of, say, some text with a transparent background--one with blue text, one with red text. Now drop the blue text image into VSD over the objects, and use the red image as a mouseover. Preview the page and see what happens. When the mouseover image appears, the portions of the underlying objects that should be showing through the text are covered up by "background". Oops. This is kind of a big problem for me, as I use layering and transparency quite a bit.

...Also on the issue of stacking, let me add my vote to a previous post requesting a keystroke-based way of moving layered objects up and down. Right-clicking/menu selecting for each move is very cumbersome. (However, at least it can currently be done, albeit tediously. The above issue regarding mouseover transperency is the bigger deal.)

Lastly, regarding this thread, thanks for taking the time to listen to your customers--we appreciate it! It's very cool (and rare) to see developers actually giving a rip what users of their product think/want. Thanks!

User 414501 Photo

Registered User
564 posts



Second, I was wondering if you could tell me how many of the features in VSD 7.0 will carry over to web sites originally created in older version of VSD (6.0 and before) that are opened in/converted to version 7.0.

I know we discussed a fix that in version 6.0 where the software no longer re-named the image files (which was screwing up my SEO). I got excited when I heard about the fix, but you told me that in order for that to work, each and every single image would have to be deleted from my "_website" folder, replaced inside the software, re-saved, and then re-uploaded. (The site had been originally created in 5.9.4)

To be honest, I did this and it didn't even work. But even if it had, it is entirely inefficient. If I went in and did this for every site I made, I would take hours upon hours upon hours.

I am not being critical, because I know that you guys are doing absolutely the best you can, and I'm sure that you are just as frustrated by the limitations of the software as us users are. But I am just wondering, will the added features in VSD 7.0 be applicable to older sites that are opened in/converted to the new version? I hope you guys will do everything in your power to make sure that is the case. Thanks! "-0
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"

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