Suggestions for CoffeeCup Visual Site...

User 147665 Photo

712 posts

The ability to add a named-target using the "link" dialog box.. One more radio button.
This would be neat to add and useful for things like an FAQ page and many other items..
Wayno wrote:
Oh yea - one more... can I link from one area of a web page to another area of that same page?

User 530246 Photo

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37 posts

I hope with the new version of VSD the mouseover button will be enhanced. For instance, when I have an image, I wish I could place my mouse on top of it and it would appear in another part of the screen but larger. As of now, we are restricted to 100 offsets. Plus the mouseover should allow two images, a thumbnail image and then a larger image that can popup on the screen at a different location without loading another webpage.

I hope I explained this ok.
Lonnie G.
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User 232667 Photo

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3 posts

When using VSD, is there anyway to lock an object in place after being placed on a page? It seems that once I place on object (i.e. text box, jpeg, etc.) on the page they are easily moved if I'm not extremely careful with the mouse pointer. I realize that I can always use the undo command, but, having the ability to lock things in place would be a great help.
User 345577 Photo

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373 posts

Bob Bernier wrote:
... having the ability to lock things in place would be a great help.

I'd vote for that, too... :)
User 463058 Photo

1,085 posts

When using a font with spaces in its name, VSD should place the name in quotes when creating its text style rule.
User 2039184 Photo

Registered User
12 posts

Some thoughts

1. when you have a graphic box, to be able to grab the lower right of upper left corner of the box to evenly stretch it larger or shrink it smaller across both the x and y axis would make life much easier
2. when you are inserting a box using the picture tool from the menu on the left, if you could see the dimensions of the box you inserting, so if you need to create the next box, you know the size making it easier to insert rather than having to estimate and correct...

3. having more options to insert shapes

4. being able to create tables so I can have a calendar or tables of information or actually being able to cut and paste a table from Word into VSD!!

5. Having a built in FTP client that works and doesn't jumple the graphic boxes - not sure why I have to employ a different FTP uploader

6. Having a single button so the web page is optimized for viewing on mobile devices as well as a Mac...

7. Have a collaborative online section for individuals to be able to post their website for just certain people to have access to for review and editing purposes......

8. The same fonts that are in MS Office Apps
9. Spell Checker
10. an interactive online support window
User 2039184 Photo

Registered User
12 posts

Here are 3 more as i thought about it

1. Stop it from crashing or add an autosave function so it save periodically that way when it does crash, we won't lose so much info

2. an anchor function so I can link on the same page

3. a mechanism to have a Powerpoint presentation be shown on the website...

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

To get over the problem of your 2nd point in the first post, I think you can just copy and paste the same size box wherever you need it.

I have always thought that an xy guage would be good so that I can see exactly the position of objects that I add.
User 459291 Photo

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27 posts


I have the suggestion for the Preview Page. I always build little big website such as I did 80 pages last time. It took at least 5-10 minutes for showing my preview page even only 1 page I want to see that because it takes the time for running entire file. Can you make 2 buttons as "preview page" & "preview entire pages" for making preview convenience?

Also, does coffee cup have XHTML for language if I want to use other language not just English as Chinese or the other countries language to my website text?


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User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Copying this one over to here as it still belongs in the thread it's in, but could be a useful suggestion:

Robert Chudek wrote:
Scott Swedorski wrote:
That error is caused by the image you are adding is missing its EXIF information. Resave the image as a GIF, JPG or PGN and RGB format (not CMYK) and that will correct the problem.

I just ran into this same issue today, where VSD was Out of Memory when trying to import a JPG file.

The solution was to change the format from CMYK to RGB as Scott suggested. I used Photoshop to do this. The RGB version imported without any issue.

"It would be nice" if this was one of the suggestions when the error window is displayed in VSD.

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