Suggestions for CoffeeCup Visual Site...

User 122279 Photo

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I guess this comes down to whether they will consider adding the features of being able to create anchors without any coding / import of code from elsewhere. The shape of the menus, if tabbed or not is a different thing, and some people might not want the tabbed version. Besides, as VSD is now, I think the tabbed menus would be difficult because the tabs would be too close together, and that might result in overlapping, which then would not work.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2195357 Photo

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(newbie alert! sorry if these are repeats; I did read tons of the existing suggestions...)

Would be nice if the mouse-over object moved with the object. I had an html object which overlapped a button (with mouse-over); moved the button way out of the way and still received an error. Had to delete the button and try again.

Ability to select objects with keyboard or some menu. For example, say you want to select some object which is behind another. Maybe Tab/ Shift Tab to select next/previous object? Would be great for the previous suggestion (select the mouse-over object so you can move/re-size it).

Ability to copy/insert a page from another website.

Ability to have multi-language pages. Kind of hard one; you would be able to have text in a text box pulled from another file, depending on a variable which could be set via a button.

Spell checker ;) (how many times have you heard that one?)
User 422767 Photo

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An SFTP option for publishing would be handy.
Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?
User 2168679 Photo

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To be able to fully justify text. I'm not sure if this has already been listed.
User 2206278 Photo

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To be able to enter colors in Hex in color selector windows.
User 531474 Photo

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It would be nice to have some multi-product theme packs. (Theme packs with the same color schemes and icons that work in VSD, HTML Editor and SCD or SCD Pro). That way we could build entry pages in VSD or HTML Editor that have the same color scheme/icons (look and feel) as our SCC sites for example.

User 1151478 Photo

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I've read through a few pages, but haven't seen my suggestion. If my topic has been mentioned, forgive me.

I'd like to see a feature to refresh only one page, or certain pages of the website. I often have time-sensitive data that needs to be uploaded within a day. Publishing the page gets delayed if I'm working on another page that is already on my website but in the midst of changes. Is there currently a way for me to publish or change one page without having to reload the entire site?

Laurie Ross
User 2147399 Photo

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I love VSD but it is missing something! I want to be able to lock layers. A zoom feature would be nice as well. Keep up the good work CC...
User 109632 Photo

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32 posts

Hi Scott,

Do you think that web sites are only created in US/English language?

I'm using VSD from the very beginning, and I jumped over versions 6.x because it brought more problems than advantages. Now, I'm checking V7 very carefully: whenever I would upgrade, it's very important that a FULL compatibility with my 5.9 web sites is proven.
Actually it's not bad at all. I deplore only that the HTML character set localization is automatically set to UTF-8. (It's in the <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> statement generated by VSD). I tried to add a similar statement in the page header object:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1">
but it doesn't work.
When I edit the HTML generated code and replace the utf-8 with ISO-8859-1 than my pages will look fine!
(My pages are almost always using embedded HTML objects with tables and other stuff written with European languages accentuated characters like é, ü, ì etc.)
I think it will be a very good thing if a character set drop down box (defaulted to UTF-8 for compatibility purposes) could be available in the page properties.

Thanks to consider other languages than English in your software!
User 122279 Photo

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Hi, Since I'm a coder, I don't really use VSD, but I tried it (latest version) now by typing some of those letters you mentioned and some from my own language, and they all came out fine, both in IE9 and Fx4. Checking the code, I see that VSD translates the 'foreign' characters into unicode number entities like this:

&#198;&#216;&#197; &#230;&#248;&#229; &#252;, &#233;, &#236;, &#228;, &#246;

Only the letters of the English alphabet are represented as normal letters.

This was with doctype html 4.01 and charset utf-8
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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