Web Pages publishing to wrong folder...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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John Phillips wrote:
I think that is what I am asking how to do. When I go to publishing destinations, it only gives me one option, which is the ftp for the site. I don't know how to look at the publishing destination for the other pages, or I don't even know where to look in order to see an opportunity to drop the index.html from anything.

I can't find where the site is listed with the index.html other than when I bring up the site with the url.



The software does all that for you. If you go to the FTP Settings, look at the remote folder path. All you should have in there is something like / or /public_html or maybe /htdocs
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User 2224026 Photo

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I see that and have a /
The problem seems to be that the first page publishes to the root, and the other pages publish somewhere else. I don't know where to go to drop the index.html from the pages or the publishing destination.

the publishing setting is going to ftp.mydomain.com
with / in the remote folder. That sends the first page. The other pages are built on the computer and show that they being sent and published, but they are going to a different folder. Godaddy told me to drop the index.html from the pages and it would work, but I don't know where to go in coffee cup to see that.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

John Phillips wrote:
I see that and have a /
The problem seems to be that the first page publishes to the root, and the other pages publish somewhere else. I don't know where to go to drop the index.html from the pages or the publishing destination.

the publishing setting is going to ftp.mydomain.com
with / in the remote folder. That sends the first page. The other pages are built on the computer and show that they being sent and published, but they are going to a different folder. Godaddy told me to drop the index.html from the pages and it would work, but I don't know where to go in coffee cup to see that.

You got something really funky going on here John. ;)

I would suggest you open a support ticket for this. I would also include screenshots of your FTP configuration when you open your ticket.
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User 539803 Photo

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Scott, the problem John is describing, happened to me last week, when for the first time ever I tried to set up an FTP account for someone else to use inside my Justhost hosting account.

In the justhost extra (NEW) ftp account I had added the pathway to the specific url (friends own domain name) when setting up the ftp, as a result, when we tried to upload in normal way to /public_html/shop.. it went into my main domain rute and then created all the subfolders John is describing.

Just thought i should mention it as it looks similar, youv probably sorted it by now though anyway
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User 2224026 Photo

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I manually went into Godaddy and moved the folders into the proper spot and it showed on my webiste with the updates, but it doesn't solve the problem. Coffee Cup is still publishing all other pages into separate folders within the index.html folder. Next week I will spend some more time trying to figure it out. It isn't right, though.
User 187934 Photo

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20,218 posts

You should not be publishing to a folder called "index.html" on your server.;) What did you enter for your Remote folder in your ftp account settings?

Host Name
This is your primary hosted domain name, or your hosting account IP address.
FTP User Name
Your hosting account user name.
FTP Password
Your hosting account password.
Website URL
Your site's URL (e.g.http://www.coolexample.com).
Your FTP server's URL (e.g.ftp://www.coolexample.com).
Start Directory
Our hosting services do not require a "Home" or "Start" directory, so leave the field blank. If the client requires a value, enter a single forward slash followed by your hosting account user name (i.e., /<user name>).

NOTE: Our hosting accounts only support passive FTP.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 2224026 Photo

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22 posts

thanks Eric

I have a / in my remote folder.

my settings are server: ftp.thesportsprophet.com
my admin username and password
Remote Folder: /

port 21 in passive mode.

I have another site that is set up the same way, but uses a domain name as a separate folder and that site has approximately 8 pages and all of them publish fine.

This site is the main domain on godaddy, but only the home page publishes. They all appear to publish, but only the home page actually updates in the proper place. The other pages publish to their own folder under index.html

I don't know if folder is the correct term. It doesn't show an actual folder icon next to it. It is a blue icon. I can check with Godaddy to see what that signifies.
User 2224026 Photo

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22 posts

Could this be an issue with what I am identifying the pages when naming?

I didn't like having the page id as a number, so I just named the page id the same as the page name. Do those names need to be different. I have them obviously different for each page, but within each page the page name and page id are the same.

Just a thought
User 539803 Photo

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2,156 posts

I have never used godaddy, so i am sure it could all be different.

However I like lots of other users in forum I have to start with


That gets me into my rute directory. if it was like your other domain an addon domain, /public_html/domainname.co.uk/

It would only go into a separate folder if i put something like /public_html/page3/ which would be my main domain in a folder called page 3

Or /public_html/domainname.co.uk/page4/ which should now go to the addon domain and create folder page4
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
Hosted FREE on CC S DRIVE www.chauffeurdrivenluxurycars.co.uk
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User 2224026 Photo

Registered User
22 posts

Thanks Viv, but it doesn't matter in this instance.
I have been dealing with this for a week and went ahead and started a support ticket for both of my issues.
I will try again tomorrow with Godaddy to see if they can shed any light on this, but I doubt if the 11th call will be any more successful than the previous 10 calls!

Thanks for everyone's efforts. Hopefully this can be resolved. Now I actually have unusual links showing up on my contact page that don't even match anything on the site!

Oh well!

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