I'm wondering if anyone else has solved this hassle.
I used to have no problem with any FTP program, including earlier versions of DirectFTP.
I'm blaming an apparent update of my DSL-ISP-provided security software, which has changed several times over the years.
If I disable the firewall only, I can do everything ok.
Firewall 'ON', I get timeouts after a non-obvious connection only after exiting and reopening DFTP 6.6 it shows I am (STILL) connected.
McAfee has not been at all helpful yet...the only help Tier 2 has been able to give
me for far is that it must be my IE - it needs to be reset (cache, etc)'...I use IE maybe once a month, if that, and do clear everything when closing browsers.
I use Firefox anyway, and they just couldn't grasp what I was saying about NOT using a browser for FTP.
I am going to try 'dumbing down' the security a level at a time rather than disabling the FW altogether to see if I can an incremental difference.
I captured verbose logs blocked & unblocked and compared them line by line and see no clues - same opinion the support people had - I can find the log entry where the function or non-function difference appears, but it's in a block of traffic that is all timestamped within a roughly one second. I imagine it just times out, then dumps a lot of status all at once, so the timestamps are misleading. I also noted the log contains login name AND password. I was a bit irked after sending a collection of
debug logs containing account info to who KNOWS what call center.
Thanks for reading
AT&T/McAfee Internet Security Suite...
I avoid McAfee. We dumped them at work several years ago, and that is the first thing I remove on a new computer. I say this so you know I am only guessing at an idea.
Is there a white list or allowable list where you can list your FTP program (in this case Direct FTP)? The firewall I am using has an option for me to allow access specifically. One option is FTP out.
I avoid McAfee. We dumped them at work several years ago, and that is the first thing I remove on a new computer. I say this so you know I am only guessing at an idea.
Is there a white list or allowable list where you can list your FTP program (in this case Direct FTP)? The firewall I am using has an option for me to allow access specifically. One option is FTP out.
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