Import sites from Filezilla?

User 166293 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

In 6.9 bld 2022, is there a way to import the sites from Filezilla's site manager? Even if I have to edit them after they're imported (to add password back in for example), can that sort of an import be done?
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Hi Rick,

Not entirely sure what you are asking for here. Filezilla is just another FTP tool you can use to connect to your server. There is nothing to import into it. Filezilla is very similar to Direct FTP just enter your hostname, username and password to connect to your server.
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Steve Kolish

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User 166293 Photo

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6 posts

Thank you. I use Filezilla, and am looking at FirectFTP as a replacement.
Filezilla has a "Site Manager" with hostnames/ports/username/etc.
I have 15 or 20 hosts in my Filezilla site manager (DirectFTP calls theirs something else, like "MAnage Servers").
To save time, those sites can be exported out of filezilla as a XML file. (to import into another Filezilla installation is a breeze).
Just wondering if DirectFTP can import that exported settings file, instead of setting up one-by-one.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

OH ok sorry I misunderstood. To be honest I am not sure if it has that capability. Maybe someone else in this forum will have more input on this. I will load it up tonight when i get home and see if that is possible. Just curious, have you opened up a support ticket and asked this question to CC directly?
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 166293 Photo

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6 posts

I've tried importing the XML about 5 minutes ago. No go.
But I will open a ticket, good idea! I thought someone would have it here.
Thanks for your help,
User 379556 Photo

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1,576 posts

I haven't tried them, but there are facilities for importing and exporting server profiles in the menu:
File > Server Profiles > Export.../ Import...

I'm not sure whether these were not found, or whether they were tried and didn't work with Filezilla's export file.

User 166293 Photo

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6 posts

Hi Frank, This was already tried.
Filezilla creates an XML file upon 'export'.
I did the "File > Server Profiles > Export.../ Import..."
DirectFTP doesn't know what to do with the Filezilla export.
(I did make that notation in the thread here, in an earlier post).
But, thanks.
User 540115 Photo

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2 posts

I'd also like to see some kind of solution to this. I use Filezilla but when I try to use the same settings in CoffeeCup HTML Editor (is DirectFTP a part of that or a separate stand-alone app?) I get errors when I test the connection.
User 122279 Photo

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14,585 posts

DirectFTP (DFTP) is a stand-alone app, much more comprehensive than the version built into the HTML Editor. It has an import and export option, but It doesn't say what kind of file format it can operate with. I tried to export the server profiles as 'profiles.xml', but FileZilla was not able to import it, so I guess the content was not really in XML format.
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User 540115 Photo

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Then I guess I should continue my inquiry in the HTML Editor subforum instead, unless another is more suitable.

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