saving changes

User 2270956 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Hi Thanks for the V prompt reply to my query yesterday i am quite new to Coffee Cup so please be patient i have now sorted out the password and user name issue from yesterday i am now trying to edit some of the contents of my web page

1. i have made the changes and when i preview the web page it shows the changes i am now trying to upload the changes onto the web page

2 i save save the changes - under remote but don't know what do do from there i thought it might be as easy as pressing the upload key but only the download button is available

once again your assistance is appreciated - our inherited website is quite bland could you suggest soft ware that would allow us to give it a modern touch

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

When you save the changes locally, you then need to navigate remotely to where the file need to be upload to. Once you are in that directory, select the file locally and then click upload.

If that does not work, it could be a permission issue. Try deleting the file first and then upload one more.
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User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

In DirectFTP open your file from the remote directory listing. Edit the file as needed. Then save as remote. That's all you have to do. View your website, press CTRL+F5 to refresh your browser and you should see the changes you made. There is nothing more you need to 'upload' unless you add or modify graphics or other external files. Those will need to be uploaded.

As far as updating your website with a modern look and feel, the HTML Editor is very good. If you really want to go for an up to date responsive website then you'll need the HTML Editor and the Responsive Layout Maker (RLM). There is a learning curve but you'll find lots of help here in the forum. There are also many videos demonstrating the use of RLM and the HTML Editor.

Good luck and let us know if you need anything more. :cool:
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