My Direct FTP 6.6 is now "killing...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Wolverana wrote:
yep I agree Scott, but it's most definitely not where it should be then lol, all the software I use have all the ftp settings so obviously it's saved somewhere, and the DirectFTP keeps my settings on uninstall/reinstall which I found out on that test version last week so it's somewhere, it's just not where you're saying it is lol

LIES!! :)
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User 38401 Photo

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hahaha *looks around innocently* but but... lol

Seriously though, it's not there. I'll do a search for that file and see if the computer finds it right now too and let ya know.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

no such file has been found anywhere on my computer. I had it check hidden files, system files, made sure it wasn't caps sensitive, etc. ... SharedSettings.css doesn't exist lol
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Wolverana wrote:
no such file has been found anywhere on my computer. I had it check hidden files, system files, made sure it wasn't caps sensitive, etc. ... SharedSettings.css doesn't exist lol

And when I searched my system, Windows found it right away in that exact path. Go figure ;)

Are you 10000000% sure you are looking under the correct user?
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User 38401 Photo

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I looked under all the users, wasn't in any of them, and of course if the file was there named that name etc. it should have found it in the search I would hope lol so yep I'm actually 10000000% sure :P

Windows XP Pro SP3
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Wolverana wrote:
I looked under all the users, wasn't in any of them, and of course if the file was there named that name etc. it should have found it in the search I would hope lol so yep I'm actually 10000000% sure :P

Windows XP Pro SP3

If you have some free time on Monday, drop me an e-mail and I can connect to your pc with logmein to see what the issue is. I know they have to be there someplace ;)
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User 3004957 Photo

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This is mine in Windows 7

As Scott says, it must be there or the software wouldn't know what settings to use, unless during the update from old to new version it is still using registry entries for project/server information.

User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts

Scott, Jo Ann, Dave,....

As noted by Dave in his last post with file directory image, the file name is SharedSettings.ccs, i.e. not .css as file extension. It may even logically mean "CoffeCupShared", or something like that.
Like Jo Ann, I had also done a system-wide search (XP SP3, IE 8) of the .css file quoted by Scott (!), and found nothing, but with the .ccs extension it turned up in: C:\Documents and Settings\(name)\Application Data

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

well you were almost correct Scott lol, I did find the file now that I see the different extension name *thanks Per and Dave, sorry I didn't notice that mentioned earlier my bad*. Search found it but it's not in any Roaming folder which was part of the problem it's straight in the Application Data folder itself. Confusing lol, not in coffeecup folders or any other folder, just right in the Application Data folder which I never would have looked there for a file lol.

Anyways I found it !! Yayyyy so maybe it's there for you too Twitchin? Hope so as that would end a long search for this mysterious little file! :P
User 2209775 Photo

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108 posts

Wolverana - yes! Cesare from tech support told me Scott was a bad boy and gave us the wrong extension on the file! .CCS is what i told my system to look for and I found it in the Application Data folder.

I still do NOT have an AppData folder that I can find.

The file was all alone in the application data folder, not inside any other folder in there.

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