Suggestions for CoffeeCup Direct FTP...

User 2542174 Photo

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7 posts

Hi. Tabs, tabs, tabs again. I like the way how transmit handle the bookmarks in a new tab. When you open a tab you can list your favorites(saved servers) and just double click it and you done. Like this shot: … tp-client/
User 2542174 Photo

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Edit/add custom shortcuts.
User 2542174 Photo

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It seems this topic is dead. Another suggestion: duplicate command.
User 2385998 Photo

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There is just one feature missing from the Direct FTP application and that's the ability to edit a file in a third party application.

For example, I can right click on a file and then edit it within Direct FTP but I would rather edit it by opening it in your HTML Editor. I can do this with CuteFTP as they have an 'Open' right click function and I would like to see something like this in your excellent ftp client.

Best wishes
Pam: "I wonder what my name means in Welsh"
Nessa: "Why?"
User 629250 Photo

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The one feature that FireFTP in Firefox has that I love is the ability to right click on a file in the destination directory and create a symlink.

I know this is only a Linux hosting feature and that a secure connection is needed but it so cool for easy version control. Allows you to upload frequently updated pages without overwriting previous copies. Also makes it simple to go back to a prior version without messing with transferring files.

User 515127 Photo

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A very useful feature for Direct FTP would be to enable command line automation for repetitive tasks so that a person could use (for example) Windows Scheduler to take one or more, or all files in a given local folder and upload them to a specified folder on a hosting server. It would also be useful if you could download one or more, or all files in a given server folder to a specified local folder via command line automation as well.

Examples of how this could be useful/valuable -

The day's orders are exported by a chron on the server to an outbound folder on the server as one or more files. Direct FTP runs at a specified time, snags any files in the server's outbound folder and puts them into an inbound local folder. Another task then runs an import task that adds the incoming orders to the in house database for shipping.

Once shipped, the shipping details and tracking info are exported to an outbound local folder where a windows task runs at a specific time, detects the new files in the folder and uploads them via Direct FTP to the hosting server inbound folder. A chron runs on the server that appends and updates the database records with the info so that when the customer logs in and checks the 'status' of his order, he sees that it has shipped, via what carrier, with a tracking number.

Extra points if, after successfully uploading or downloading - the files in the respective outbound folder could be moved to another folder - a 'processed' folder so that the outbound folder is once again empty until new transactions arrive.

It would be nice if the command line could specify a server profile to use for the connection and a text configuration file that included the source file details and the target location for the transfer, as well as support for an optional logfile to record the execution start date-time, file(s) transferred, status (succeeded or failed) task end date-time.

The shell or batch file lines I envision could be something like this:

cd %directFTPPath%
directFTP.exe <remote-connection-profile> <sourcefilelist-targetfolder.txt> <logfile.txt>

User 2101204 Photo

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1 post

I had a problem too, turns out you need to add cpanel hosting to your account. I didn't read all posts so forgive me if it was answered
User 2695087 Photo

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Will your FTP work properly on a Windows 8.1 computer with I.E. 11 installed. (You cannot remove I.E. 11 from Windows 8.1)

User 187934 Photo

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Norman N F WATKINS wrote:
Will your FTP work properly on a Windows 8.1 computer with I.E. 11 installed. (You cannot remove I.E. 11 from Windows 8.1)


I used it on my 8.1 machine.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 2662835 Photo

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After decades I finally decided to leave cuteftp because it hasn't really been reliably supported for sometime.

There are some features it had I really miss and would like to see something similar with Direct FTP.

One of those things is being able to move/rearrange the windows. I liked having the file manager(s) on the left and the editor on the right to give me a lot of working space. Failing that I would like a keyboard shortcut to toggle between views quickly. (if that already exists I can't find it) In general more keyboard shortcuts or customization would be nice too.

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