Suggestions for CoffeeCup Direct FTP...

User 452266 Photo

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Zentode wrote:

I have tried DirectFTP over WS_ftp and WS_ftp is what i use for two basic obvious points:

2- Tabbed remote connections.

I could also use Tabs for more than 1 connection, and the ability to have the Local files coincide with the

Colored Tabs would also be an advantage. (With the name of the server on the Tab).

May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
User 2225734 Photo

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I'd like to see a toolbar button that pops down a menu of the combo bookmarks directly. (Could also have buttons for local and remote bookmark menus in the small-icon toolbars under the address bars for local and remote navigation).

I find it strange that there is add bookmark buttons on the toolbars but no way to access the existing bookmarks from the toolbars - using bookmarks is surely the more common activity so it seems more important that it would be on the toolbars for quick access.
User 38401 Photo

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I'm not sure what you mean Ber, there is bookmarking already in place for Direct FTP which is pretty simple to navigate from the main menu. What's hard about that or am I misunderstanding what you mean? I use the bookmarks all the time (although I do wish I knew how to save them from format to format) and I have no problems navigating it or organizing it for what I need.

Toolbar buttons are overrated when you can't save them most of the time from update to update lol.

Just use the Bookmarks drop down at the top menu. After you create your combo's they will all be available there in that drop down. I just learned something new since I've never noticed that Combo thing before lol. It's that easy to do though :)
User 775516 Photo

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Would love to see some functionality to 'synhronise' ftp sites. Ideal for promoting development code to production and retrieve back up log files and backups.
User 187934 Photo

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I would like it if the true url for S-Drive was sent to the clipboard when I right click and choose "Copy URL to clipboard".:)
I get this
When it should be this.

I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 38401 Photo

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Eric Rohloff (Rolly) wrote:
I would like it if the true url for S-Drive was sent to the clipboard when I right click and choose "Copy URL to clipboard".:)
I get this
When it should be this.

Agreed! I've been going to post about that for awhile but I kept forgetting.
User 1935511 Photo

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I do a lot of WordPress development. Direct FTP is invaluable to me in creating and maintaining these WordPress websites. The FTP client makes uploading plugins and child themes easy. But the real star in using Direct FTP with WordPress is the online editor. Those of you who work much with WordPress know that editing the style.css file is essential for getting your websites to looking the way you want. Many plugins also have CSS files that may need editing to fit your WP site. Also, there is often a need to tweak various PHP files. The online editor in Direct FTP makes this much easier. The Undo and Redo functions allow me to tweak and test without fear of breaking the website. Undo has saved my bacon on a number of occasions where my PHP tweaks and additions had unintended consequences. ;)

CoffeeCup should take a look at enhancing the online editor in Direct FTP to work more like the your CoffeeCup HTML editor (it's one of my favorites and I'm an editor junky). Enhanced PHP support would also be very welcome. There must be 1,000s of WordPress developers that would purchase Direct FTP just for the online editor. The solid, easy to use, FTP client is just icing on the cake.
User 179067 Photo

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I use the bookmarks all the time (although I do wish I knew how to save them from format to format) and I have no problems navigating it or organizing it for what I need.

I was trolling the forum for ftp bookmarks and lobbed here - they're great but ..I'd like to export them or find the file where they're stored (much like Firefox/Thunderbird ) so can import them to the new pc. I should point out I'm still using (don't much like the the later version and I'm not interested in S drive which installing the latest wanted to do first ) I do want to save myself the hassle of retyping every client's site connection information
User 15653 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
We want your ideas, suggestions, and comments about CoffeeCup DirectFTP or CoffeeCup Free FTP. So tell us: How can we make the software even better? Remember, our products are here for you guys, so we want to make them the very best we can :)

What I'd like to see if a copy feature similar to the move feature where while on a particular server, a person could copy the file to a safe location (other folder on the server) and then do some tweaking on the original file you're wanting to experiment with.
User 2024230 Photo

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I'm using Direct FTP 6.9 build 2014

When setting up or editing a S-Drive server profile, I would like to be able to associate a default local and/or remote folder. You can do this with non S-Drive server profiles. Perhaps use bookmarks instead of browsing.

By doing this the local and/or remote panes will be positioned where I want them when I select the server profile.

By the way, I just discovered that selecting a combo bookmark positions the local and remote panes AND connects to the S-Drive server ( I couldn't find this in the PDF documentation) but I think it would still be a good idea if selecting the server profile positioned the local and/or remote panes.

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