Anyhow, anticipating my possible demise at the approach of my 70th, he needs to be able to update the web site himself.
I wrote a line-by-line idiot's guide, and got him to download the Free FTP prog. I didn't try and persuade him to pay for Direct FTP, as I didn't really expect him to take on the challenge once he'd had a go.
I then started to talk him through the sequences on the phone ( I knew he'd be on the phone in a panic as soon as he received the instructions).
We got as far as him being ready to paste the required html text into the FTP editing pane, but for some reason we were both unable to drag the required file into the work area.
We *were* both able to download the file to the computer, where it could be edited and uploaded.
Anyone know why it won't drag 'n drop?
David G Powner, MIVA