Where are all my server details?
My computer crashed - I had to replace the OS. Now I'm trying to set up my software again - incl Direct FTP - and can I find my details for ftp? No. They used to be readily available on my account - they've disappeared - anbd now? I can't access my website. or SDrive which I've never used - always ftp under my domain names. Is that gone? I really need to get into my website - and all I want is the information to do so.. Could someone please help me because I cannot find anything - it's not under My Account - can't find the domains to renew either.. What happened? I've gone thorugh entire menu - my support room - which does not have any answers because (and they date back to 2012) all the answers seem to assume one has the set up server FTP details already. I don't. And I can't find them .
If your computer crashed and you never made a backup of the database, then yes, all that stuff is gone. Hopefully you are using LockBox or some other password manager to store your critical credentials. If not, you will have to reset all your account passwords.
Since we do not host your website, you need to contact your hosting provider to obtain your credentials. The last order you have with us was a decade ago.... ;-(
Those are the questions you ASKED US in the past. They are not FAQ's
I can't access my website. or SDrive which I've never used - always ftp under my domain names. Is that gone?
Since we do not host your website, you need to contact your hosting provider to obtain your credentials. The last order you have with us was a decade ago.... ;-(
What happened? I've gone thorugh entire menu - my support room - which does not have any answers because (and they date back to 2012) all the answers seem to assume one has the set up server FTP details already. I don't. And I can't find them .
Those are the questions you ASKED US in the past. They are not FAQ's

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maybe I found it - on an external drive - but it's from 2014 - so hope I didn't change it in the meantime.. can't remember - neurons not firing? 

Sorry, realized about 10 minutes ago (I have both CoffeeCup and my provider openI have been posting to the wrong forum!! My sincere apologies.. all these screens, I thought I ws posting to my hosting provider.. ::rolling eyes:: but yes, I'm a pack rat in terms of backups to backups to backups.. so many, it's hard to which one <G> I use a p/w manager, it's simply prudent, after all I was taught - but I have.. 5 external drives - files going back.. 20 years? to the days of the floppy lol Anyway, I do apologize for doing this, I'd delete them if I could.. Best regards, Anne
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