Can Web Form Builder Do This? - Page...

User 91616 Photo

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I am contemplating using your Web Form Builder to build a form.
I have created a form here:
I have reviewed the FAQs and other things on here and think the program can do this, but need to verify before asking the board to purchase a copy:

1. In Part 2 - Contact Information, submitters are asked to provide EITHER their home phone or cell phone. ONE is required. Can the program check to ensure at least ONE is entered. If they enter both, can it ensure they are not the same?

2. If a sumitter checks Yes to the question if they represent a Club / Business / Organization (CBO), can the program check to ensure they complete the fields. Again - as in Part 2 - there is the phone question - ONE is required, but both can be entered. If both are entered, they can not be the same.

3. After the form is validated, the submitter will see a "thank you" page. Afte the "thank you page is displayed, the submitter will need to click on "continue" or some other labeled button that will take them to PayPal and show them the correct amount of their dues? I am checking with my PayPal person, but think we have different membership levels set up due to each lever having a different price.


User 187934 Photo

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20,251 posts

Hi Paul,
1. This will need some custom Jquery to validate if the inputs are identical or not. I can help you with that. The one required part may need a checkbox to show the second input to help with required part. Form builder has conditionals that allow you to hide or show inputs based on others. If the input is required it will only need to be filled if it is showing.
2. It can handle the Yes checkbox part but the check for Identical values will need some custom JS code. I can help you with that.
3. Yes, The Form builders Paypal feature already works in this way. After the form is submitted the user is taken to the Payment page which has the Paypal button on need more info.
Post if you need more info. I have many examples of custom js added to the Form Builder to do various things.
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User 91616 Photo

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Am I reading your response correctly that the program do everything that we'd like it to accomplish, but that would require some custom Jquery coding? If that interpretation is correct, what do you charge? We are a very small non-profit and have very limited funds.

I was planning on using Really Simple Validation ( ) to do the validations.

For the form submission I was thinking of using FormMail ( ) or FormMail Clone ( ) (the clone version seems to be a much simpler version).

I wanted this to be a simple and easy as possible. With our past dues renewal cycle, we gave members the option to add LifeFlight to their membership. Many said they never saw it - although it was part of the automated process (we were using WildApricot), but their prices are getting too expensive for us.

User 187934 Photo

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20,251 posts

You should be able to validate everything within the Form Builder except the identical ones. I can help you out with the js as long as you make your form and share a link to it so I can see the form so I know what you are actually doing. The Form Builder will handle all of the submission also. You will need to choose how your going to handle the data. Database, CSV, email?
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
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User 91616 Photo

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Appreciate the response.
My plan is to use e-mail to handle the data as I'm sure none of the intended recipients have a database set up for this. I know our current treasurer has set up a spreadsheet to track all our membership details. And the membership chair - who should also recieve a copy of the response - can access the spreadsheet.
As for the form being available, it will be available to everyone as this is the preferred way we want our potential members to join.
Here's my questions:
1. What would you charge for helping us set this up?
2. Can I create the form as it currently exists in Web Form Builder?
3. Do you know the differences between the trial and paid versions of Web Form Boulder? I want to download the trial version and set up our form. Is there a time limit? I'm guessing there are some limitations in the trial version - do you know what those are?


User 91616 Photo

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27 posts

One additional question:

Can I do everything using only Web Form Designer?
I do have the CoffeeCup HTML Editor (although I probably should upgrade to version 17.
User 187934 Photo

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20,251 posts

Form Designer doesn't have any backend scripting. The Form Builder should be able to handle everything as far as you have explained but will need a few customization's to help with the validation of those inputs. I think the trial Form Builder is fully functional for at least 7 days but you can try it and see. If your using a spread sheet to look at data then I would use the csv option in Form Builder. This way you can download the data and quickly process it in your Sheet. The HTML Editor is always a great addition to any website. It helps with testing custom code before fully applying to a page.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
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User 91616 Photo

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Upgraded to version 17 of the HTML editor.

I have successfully completed the first attempt at creating the form.

I have some thoughts/questions:

1. The form is bland. Is there a way to make it look like the form I created on our future website (here: For example, tint the textareas and place boxes around the phone numbers (as shown in the form on the EWATV website).

2. You said you should be able to create the code necessary - jQuery - to check the phone numbers to ensure if both are entered, they are not the same.

3. If you look in Part 5 you'll see a couple places where I want to place links to the "Rules and Terms" and "Liability Waiver". Is there a way to place those links in the form?

4. If you click "Yes" to answer the question "Do you own an OHV?" (Part 4) you'll see some additional questions. On the form on the EWATV website, I've added some code to ensure the correct models are display based upon the selection chosen in the OHV Make field. Is there a way to include that code so we get the correct models displayed? I have the code for that if you look at the form on the EWATV website (link above)

User 187934 Photo

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20,251 posts

1. Have you checked out some of the built in themes? There is a way to tweak them to your liking. … er-themes/

2. I should be able to help you with this when I see the actual form.

3. Yes, use a html element. Paste the link code into it.

4. The Form Builder has Conditionals that allow you to show and hide elements based on the value of others.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 91616 Photo

Registered User
27 posts

1. I'll take a look at the templates. Thanks.

2. Found it weird that you can't attach a Web Form Builder file to these messages. Anyway, here's the form before I added the HTML elements:

3. Tried the HTML element, but the text doesn't match the rest of the form:

4. Have to take a closer look at conditionals (already used them, but don't think that's going to work for "cascading dropdown lists".


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