Social element - Share on Facebook

User 1991012 Photo

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55 posts

Hi everybody,
I need to have a social elements on my webpage/form enabling somebody to share it on Social Media.
I don't have plenty of experience using social elements for sharing, and I couldn't find any CC document explaining this matter, but while it seems to me that I can manage with Twitter and LinkedIn, I get an error when trying to share it on Facebook.
Is there some special format to be used for the webpage (URL) link which is to be shared on Facebook?
Are there any other important notes, remarks, or recommendations regarding this matter in general (Share using Social element)?
Thanks in advance,
User 131545 Photo

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687 posts

Develop your website from scratch en use flexbox layout for layout your form.
I design all my forms from scratch now
Toekomstgerichte door ICT gebeten IT'er
Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
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User 1991012 Photo

Registered User
55 posts

It is not the matter of using flexbox (BTW, I'm using it) or not.
I was just asking for some help on Social Media - option Share.
User 1991012 Photo

Registered User
55 posts

I'm still testing but it seems like the problem is caused by the URL format made by Form Designer:
The original URL made by Side Designer is "" (Facebook returns error), while if you change it to "" it works.

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