User 496504 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Hi, just having ply, dropped the Simple Accordion on to page but no idea how to edit content. Accordion 1 is open by default, but how do I open 2 & 3 to edit. And how can I add more panes?


User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,577 posts

The Inspector panel has two sections: Outline and CSS (Read-Only). At the foot of the Outline section is a line saying "Show x hidden items in this breakpoint". Clicking once or twice on the small box at the left of this line opens all the relevant items for editing.

To add more panes, I select one of the List Item Containers in the Inspector panel, open the Design panel, and click on the Duplicate button at the bottom left of the Element section.

User 2623555 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I would like the headings and content in a single column for small screens and the content to open in a column to the right in larger screens. Any thoughts most welcome.

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