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User 486215 Photo

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This was my first try at using RFF. I thought it would be as easy as RSD and I was anxious to try the new Symbol and Component features.
I began with the Blank with components template. I mainly used just the Menu with dropdown and Orbit components. I customized both components - NO drop downs in the menu and local images for the Orbits.
Either from a lot of fumble fingering or lack of familiarity with the product I had to rebuild the pages many times. I lost data that I had entered and had to rebuild the components time and again. It could be because the RFF beta version code is still a little rough around the edges. I should have documented the weird things that happened, but I never knew whether it was me or the product that was at fault. And, starting first from the smallest screen size to a larger one through the various breakpoints is a real nuisance.
Needless to say, it took an unbelievable amount of time to make the (simple) website below:
This website seems to work on most web browsers and at least on the narrow screen Android smartphone I have.
I'm looking forward to the full RFF version and better documentation on how to customize and integrate the components with the rest of the product.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Webmaster wrote:
This was my first try at using RFF. I thought it would be as easy as RSD and I was anxious to try the new Symbol and Component features.
I began with the Blank with components template. I mainly used just the Menu with dropdown and Orbit components. I customized both components - NO drop downs in the menu and local images for the Orbits.
Either from a lot of fumble fingering or lack of familiarity with the product I had to rebuild the pages many times. I lost data that I had entered and had to rebuild the components time and again. It could be because the RFF beta version code is still a little rough around the edges. I should have documented the weird things that happened, but I never knew whether it was me or the product that was at fault. And, starting first from the smallest screen size to a larger one through the various breakpoints is a real nuisance.
Needless to say, it took an unbelievable amount of time to make the (simple) website below:
This website seems to work on most web browsers and at least on the narrow screen Android smartphone I have.
I'm looking forward to the full RFF version and better documentation on how to customize and integrate the components with the rest of the product.

Hey Webmaster,

Stick with it as it will become a lot easier as you learn. I had a bit of trouble at first as well but mostly because of the new way of thinking. I am so used to doing Desktop Down design so switching to Mobile First was a huge brain twist.

Just like RSD this app will take a bit of time and patients while you learn the new tools and design workflow. That being said Foundation is a solid framework that is essential to modern web design. I find, like with RSD, the more I use it the easier it is to use.

Remember also this is in Beta testing now so I can only imagine what the final version will look like once the bugs are worked out! If you have any questions about the how to's please feel free to come the forums for help.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2810368 Photo

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I noticed on the example you did (which is very good, I may add), in the source it is showing you calling jQuery twice? is there a reason or just an oversight?
I must say and agree with you on the fact it is a lot easier to get your head around it when you play with it and understand your thinking process needs to be different.
There are some great tutorials at … YpfmlqvoiA that help to explain the thinking process involved BUT definitely more needed ?
Thanks again COFFEE CUP a great addition to a great selection of tools but more support needed in the way of tutorials to do basic stuff.....please!
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

This issue has been addressed in the new build. I have updated the site it should be good now.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 252350 Photo

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OK, here is my first RFF website.
User 486215 Photo

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79 posts

Here is a template for a site needing both a drop down mobile menu (toggled by a Font Icon glyph) for very small devices and a traditional horizontal top menu for tablets, laptops, and/or desktops.

The choice between the mobile menu and the horizontal top menu is made on the boundary between ONE arbitrary break point. I did not use the Foundation "small-" and "medium-" screen divisions because I thought the maximum size of the "small-" area was too large for a mobile menu.

You may customize it for your own use with additional pages, and therefore new menu items, styling, and any page content you desire. It is freely offered and has no copyright (and also no support).

There is an additional defined page, not in any of the menus, that can be used for a return page after a real form submission.

This template was created afterwards from a real website that was made using the exact same menu changing technique.

Here's the template as a website:

Here's the RFF project file:
User 2438827 Photo

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I have moved from VSD to RSD and now to RFF. At my age I don't know if I can keep up. (80) :rolleyes:
My first RFF site is for my historical Post WWII book
I am having trouble with the footer on the largest size page. There are a number of links and clean ups that need to be attended to, but I wanted some feed-back from the experts here. Appreciate your help.

I can see quite a few things to modify but overall it looks a bit cleaer than my previous RSD site.
User 2699991 Photo

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Induna wrote:
I have moved from VSD to RSD and now to RFF. At my age I don't know if I can keep up. (80) :rolleyes:
My first RFF site is for my historical Post WWII book
I am having trouble with the footer on the largest size page. There are a number of links and clean ups that need to be attended to, but I wanted some feed-back from the experts here. Appreciate your help.

I can see quite a few things to modify but overall it looks a bit cleaer than my previous RSD site.

Hi from sunny Bali

Yes it definitely looks like you need more work on the larger viewport sizes, especially widths and position displays, in my opinion the footer (grey nice colour) needs to be full width and the content flexed into a row (you could possibly look at doing that even at lower viewport sizes)

One of my other suggestions would be to center the whole of the main content pages as they are slightly off to the left,

My last suggestion and this is really only a personal thing is that the links to other pages looks and feels better for your visitors if they open in same window (in other words not new window) but that is really only a very personal thin, and you may have a good reason to open the linked window as a new tab.

One last thing is to just give a bit more space between the content and the footer say 10px (up to you how much though)

Other than that nice cool design.

Well Done

Mastering The Understanding With Hands-On Learning


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User 2438827 Photo

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26 posts

Yes it definitely looks like you need more work on the larger viewport sizes, especially widths and position displays, in my opinion the footer (grey nice colour) needs to be full width and the content flexed into a row (you could possibly look at doing that even at lower viewport sizes)

Yes I'm having trouble understanding how to fix that footer, but I will get there.

One of my other suggestions would be to center the whole of the main content pages as they are slightly off to the left,

I will look closely at this on my ipad and iphone. I have only checked on my big desktop monitor

Thanks for your input

User 2699991 Photo

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Induna wrote:
Yes it definitely looks like you need more work on the larger viewport sizes, especially widths and position displays, in my opinion the footer (grey nice colour) needs to be full width and the content flexed into a row (you could possibly look at doing that even at lower viewport sizes)

Yes I'm having trouble understanding how to fix that footer, but I will get there.

One of my other suggestions would be to center the whole of the main content pages as they are slightly off to the left,

I will look closely at this on my ipad and iphone. I have only checked on my big desktop monitor

Thanks for your input

just set the footer width to none at the smallest breakpoint and then check it stays at none all the way up to the last one,
Mastering The Understanding With Hands-On Learning


A simple quick way to contact me

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