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Wayan, I have Responsive Foundation Framer as it makes sense to work in an established, mobile-first framework. But after years with wysiwyg drag-n-drop software I'm somewhat behind the 8-ball with the FF interface. A video showing how to create a site from scratch not using a template would be so helpful to people coming to an interface that is completely different from the one they're used to.

Larry, 'tis one and the same. I still like Fusion and it's great for the rapid development of, for example, extranets where you have control over the viewing environment, but not in a mobile first world. FF seems to fill the need, but it will take me a while to get up speed with it (after all, I was with Netobjects since 1996 and that way of working is so ingrained in me).

I'm surprised CC (and I used one of their programs way back in '96 also) launched an app without a basic tour of the interface and how it works video. More advanced stuff can be worked out after once the basics of the app have been ingested.
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Franko, this article with videos is written for RSD, but since RSD, RFF and RBB are created from the same 'master app' (lacking a better word), it can be used as a start for all three of those programmes. The built-in class names for Bootstrap and Foundation grid systems may be different, but they are otherwise basically the same. … tutorials/
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 1570522 Photo

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Thanks again.

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