Coffecup HTML Editor Free vs The HTML...

User 2431689 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

I am totally new to this Coffecup program, but I want to create my own website and a web shop to promote my upcoming clothing line.

I have some questions, like is the free version good? Or should you buy the The HTML Editor?

And some other thoughts is: can someone show some nice websites done by coffecup's program?
Like I have only seen the themes, and they are nice. But I like to see real homepages that have awesome design.

I just have one more question, can you built a shopping cart with coffecup? or is't easier to just buy the soppingcart creator?

I hope you will give me awesome answers and if you like you could post your link of your own homepage done by coffecup! Becasue I really like to see some good examples! :)

/ Josefine
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Sure, check out the sites in my signature, they were all done using the registered version of the HTML Editor. I'm not sure at this point what is or is not included in the free version, but what I noticed while helping a few is that it does not allow you to upload using the program and you need to use an external ftp program which Free FTP by CC is also pretty good for that. It used to be that the visual tab was not included in the free version, but that's removed from the paid also now so I "think" the only other difference is that the paid version has the color schemer built into it. So uploading and color schemer.

Now having said that, the HTML Editor has had an enormous amount of updating done to it over the past few months, and I'm not sure how much of those additions are included in the free version so hopefully a CC person *coughs... Scott... coughs* will come give us a hand here :)

Oh maybe the CSS Menu Maker is part of the paid version and not the Free version too? Can't remember now lol.
User 2431689 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

Oh thanks! The websites are cool!! but I can't view your sons music business and your brother's band. Because I live in Sweden, should have been fun though.

I just wonder if you know like, can you built like a shopping cart through this free html editor?
Even though I think that you can't build one. I am scearching for the best html program that also can build shoppingcarts. I don't know if you heard about bootstrap? But as everyone else I want to pay as little as possible for a html program, but if it's a good program I would pay like pretty much. Or should I just buy the shopping cart creator?

But some dudes did like this awesome website through that program. (bootstrap)
This homepage:
But I think they were like kind of good at design. But even though I think that coffecup is a good html program I hope you can create websites like that :)

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

You can do anything with the HTML Editor that "You" have the knowledge for code wise. It's a full blown HTML editor so it has all the things you need to make great websites. As far as shops, most shops are not coded using mainly HTML, they are usually a shop system like ZenCart or OpenCart or CoffeeCup's Shopping Cart Creator. You'll definitely want to invest in something like that to do a shop.

What type of products do you sell? If you give us some idea of your market we can let you know if the Shopping Cart Creator will do the trick for you. Most likely it will, but there are a few things it's not quite ready for yet so let us know and we'll see what we can do to help you know if the SCC program is for you. Also, go for the Pro if you do the shop, it's a whole lot better than the Basic. Same for the Designer which is much better with the Pro version.

Other than that, good luck on it :)
User 2507334 Photo

Trial User
1 post

I have a lot of HTML written using the Backghround Sound features that were separated out from the Netscape Navigator and Google Chrome Browsing, but still remain operational within the Internet Explorer dot net frame work, their being upward compatible by law.

If I upload these html files and associated data to an empty web folder they work on IE, but remain silent on other browsers.

As I change music formats and select players and player options to meet today's internet audio playback requirements, I wanted to ask who the big winners were, now that the audio is so overcomplicated. :cool:

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,257 posts

Not totally sure what you mean by winners but maybe this.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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