Aligning text

User 2903207 Photo

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I am new to website design, having no experience and am using the CoffeeCup HTML software. On the webpage that I am designing I have my words left justified that will take you to another page, so I guess you might call them links. I have a header in place also. I think I might have it set up as a 3 column frame. What I would like to do is type some paragraphs below the header and next to the "links" in the center of the page. When I try to do this it ends ups going in between my links on the left. Is there a way to do this?
User 122279 Photo

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Hi Susan, Do you know how to code in HTML and CSS? If you do, you need to create some 'divs' to hold the content of your site in place. Then there is the business of creating styles both for small (phone size) screens and large desktop screens. It can be done, but it takes some coding skills.
However, if you don't know how to code, then you would be much better off with a programme called 'RSD' (Responsive Site designer). If you have heard about some framework systems called Bootstrap and Foundation, Coffeecup has separate programmes especially for those too (RSD has both of them built in).
I would advise you to download a trial of one of the three programmes RSD, RBB (Bootstrap) or RFF (Foundation) and play with them a bit. If you get stuck, then just get back to us, we'll put you on the right track. I think if you go for Foundation, you will get a lot of help here, as that system has a wider 'congregation' than Bootstrap.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 235071 Photo

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Personally I think there's no substitute for learning some coding skills, and for responsive design (the page is "responsive" to the device you're using, changing its look depending on what device it's viewed on) it's, in some ways, a lot easier than it used to be, because of the "packages" of html/css code -- for content and style ("look") respectively -- that make up "frameworks" -- and there are some great FREE training courses for these frameworks, particularly for Bootstrap -- see my recent post under Responsive Bootstrap Builder. Frankly, I prefer doing my own handcoding using Bootstrap in preference to using the CC Builder and, although the CC Editor isn't well suited to this form of coding, there are some great, free, or very cheap, editors available -- look at things like Atom and Sublime Text (both free), with "add-in" "packages" like Emmet that greatly facilitate CSS / Bootstrap coding -- there're scores (literally!) of free / cheap Bootstrap editors / builders out there -- you'll find you'll get started VERY easily with one of these, and develop your coding skills as you move beyond their inherent limitations -- and they ALL have their limitations, even the CC ones.

You'll also find that as you read others' code, you'll develop a verbal and spatial/visual vocabulary of relevant terms -- fwiw sounds like you're trying to build up some sort of column-by-row table, and there're a variety of ways of doing this -- one free resource is always W3Schools which discusses this topic, and for responsive tables there're a variety of "pre-packaged" solutions available, with various looks -- it's worth getting into responsive design from starting off, as you are, and here the rule is "start off with mobile and build up" -- work out how you'd like it to look on a phone (say) and design up from there -- NOT what you'd intuitively do with the CC HTML Editor, which was designed for a previous era.
User 2885808 Photo

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Years ago, also coming with no knowledge I found it so useful W3Schools to learn stuff but there are so many packages that do it for you these days. Just keep reading and it's fun to design stuff by yourself but keep in mind somebody has already done it and can offer a tool to do it easily.
I love Coffecup!
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