"´are removed by the html editor.

User 449439 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Im a new CC html editor user and im having problems.

Somehow CC removes the "" in my include sentens making it unuseble.
Evertime i change from the html view to the visual view and back this:

<!--#include file="menu.html"-->

Changes to this:
<!--#include file=menu.html-->

And the server is not able to render the page.

Does anybody know the trick to make CC not change the code?
Any help is much appreciated! -thanks in advance wink

Best regards
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Do you mean when you change between the Code Editor and the Visual Editor or Code Editor and Preview?

Are you using version 2007 or 2008?
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User 449439 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Thanks alot for trying t help me :)

It happens when switching between the code editor and the visual editor. It doesn´t happen if I switch between the code editor and preview.

Code editor -> visual editor -> code editor.

On returning to the code editor i can see the "´s in a split second and the they are gone.

Im using the 2007 version.

Best regards
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,577 posts

Hi Jesper,

I advise you to try the 2008 prerelease of HTML Editor. the ""s are not removed there.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 449439 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Thanks for the advise.

I have just tried the 2008 prerelease and the problem remains :(

It´s very strange, think im going to try another method to make the page and get around the problem that way.

Just a thought though:
There should´t by any chance be some kind og comment marking (like /*....*/ or something) that tells the CC visual editor to not mess/edit the code indside?

Best regards


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