- A list of languages, written in each language: English, Deutsch, ???????? etc. (see - this dialog could display the Greek word, at least in my IE 8 window)
- A second page for each language with a brief description of the documents on the CD
The list of languages can be handled by using numerical codes for Asian languages but I would rather want to avoid that for other languages.
And when it comes to including text extracts from the translated user manuals, I don´t want to go to an external text editor.
I like everything else with The HTML Editor: The tabs at the left side, My websites, the previews, code support, the user-friendly design. But the use of the software becomes limited when you have to do polishing in another editor, such as Notepad ++. If you open a HTML file which contains Asian, Greek or cyrrillic text, in The HTML Editor and resave, these texts are replaced by ???, which is very annoying.
Thanks, for giving this matter some consideration