How to place HTML code via visual editor

User 470429 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

I can't figure out, how to insert an html code in a particular place of a page (say, to insert a javascript object in a cell of a table) in visual editor?
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


Which program are you using? HTML Editor 2008 in visual mode, or Visual Site Designer (VSD)

With the HTML editor, you can use the insert menu to insert various HTML items, but other than that, you need to shift to the code editor.

With VSD, just look on the left and find the HTML tool. Use the HTML tool to insert the c ode you want to insert.
User 470429 Photo

Trial User
5 posts

billr wrote:
Which program are you using? HTML Editor 2008 in visual mode, or Visual Site Designer (VSD)

With the HTML editor, you can use the insert menu to insert various HTML items, but other than that, you need to shift to the code editor.

Hi, billr,
I am using CoffeeCup HTML2008 trial, but I don't see Insert Html menu in visual editor (maybe it is not included during free period?).
User 463058 Photo

1,084 posts

In the case of the HTML Editor, you'll need to switch to the code editor to insert html. The Insert menu will let you insert specific things but not hand-written code.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


From the HTML Editor 2008, you can click on the insert menu at the top of the page to insert some items.

If you want to insert something like javascript, you need to be in the code editor.

The insert on the left side of the VISUAL SITE DESIGNER is part of a different program. That is why I asked which program you are using.

If you are not familiar with HTML code, you may want to get a book on HTML, and CoffeeCup has one that is PDF, or you can visit a book store and find many books from which you can choose.

Programming with the HTML gives you more control over you code and how things look.

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