HTML and Site Designer Working as...

User 2526084 Photo

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65 posts

I love both these programs and have the latest versions. My one gripe is if I import my website, designed in Site Designer into HTML editor program by using the 'open from website' menu option, its has no problem pulling the html code into the workplace, however pressing F12 to preview the page gives you a view that is nothing like the uploaded site.

Shame really, I was hoping the two programs would be more integrated.

However, both great programs well worth their subscriptions :o)
User 122279 Photo

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The F12 is working as a toggle for split screen preview, and F11 is for normal preview. But remember that they both open IE11!
If you do a browser preview Ctrl + F5 (on some machines you need Fn+Ctrl+f5) I guess you will see a more correct preview in a modern browser.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 379556 Photo

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I tried using both methods of The HTML Editor's 'Open From Web' with which I guess is the site in question.

(a) 'Download only the HTML page (without images or other required files) and open it in the Editor' worked as expected, but of course appeared very differently because of the absence of the required files.
(b) 'Save to disk' with all four options ticked. That threw up the following warning:
"It appears as though this file has one or more lines that exceed 50,000 characters, and may crash the Editor if opened. It also appears to be a minified css file. It is recommended that you open the NON-minified version of this file. Do you wish to continue?"
It also said, "If your page does not display correctly or appears blank, the server may be responding slowly. To fix this, use the Open From Web function again." In fact the minified bootstrap css file did cause the Editor to hang.

I always export from SD to the local hard drive, and that seems to avoid the problem with the Editor. Since option (b) above also downloads to the hard drive, it seems no more trouble than doing so from the web.

I take the point about integration, but wonder whether in practice it's likely to be a problem.

User 187934 Photo

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I often make changes in my SD sites and only grab the changed html and update the CSS through the HTML Editor. This way the site is getting updated but I don't need to reexport.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2413940 Photo

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Yes, I know what you mean. See this short screen cast showing the difference between the internal preview and external preview. The internal previewer is using Internet Explorer which was mentioned but more importantly it's about to be deprecated. It might be in CoffeeCup's best interest to avail themselves of another engine. In the meantime, I just press Ctrl F9 to bring up the external previewer. :)
Gary Chike
"Experience is what you get, when you don't get what you want."
User 379556 Photo

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The problem in item (b) of my post was self inflicted. The fourth 'Save to disk' box when using the Editor's 'Open From Web' was not ticked by default, and should be left that way for sites created in Site Designer.

I'm not sure whether the lack of integration mentioned in the first post in this thread resulted primarily from
(a) using 'Download only the HTML page (without images or other required files) and open it in the Editor' or
(b) the Editor's use of IE11.

If if was (a), the answer is to use the 'Save to disk' option without ticking the fourth box.

The Editor's use of IE11 is presumably under review by the CoffeeCup team.


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